Wednesday, 5 September 2007


All processes and forces in nature are interactions of energy and its vibratory activities within space, and these processes follow and obey rules which are a type of imperfect harmony which are inevitable as rules of activity for energy and its interactions and processes. Physical reality is an imperfect harmony of forces, and the reason I describe reality as being imperfect is because the concept of perfection exists only in our minds as an "ideal" or "idea", the concept of perfection exists in mathematics and geometry also as ideal mathematical concepts. One can say that it is only moments in time that exist in our minds which can be considered to be perfect, and perfection cannot exist in the concrete or tangible sense of phenomenon in physical reality. The concept of perfection appears to be partly real and partly imaginary, the concept of perfection seems to exist as a possibility that cannot be fully realized in physical reality, and it seems to exist in relative degrees also, for instance, an object A, can be considered to be more perfect than an object b, and vice versa. That something can exist as a possibility but yet not be fully realized in physical reality is a strange and mysterious aspect of reality, and requires more investigation and thought to be fully understood, and yet this is how the concept of perfection exists in reality. There are many factors which prevent the processes of energy or matter from attaining to the condition or state of perfection as humans conceive it, the concept of perfection could be viewed as not being very practical in physical reality, an example of this, is the human eye, in the human eye we have a blind spot which exists because of the eyes physical connection to the brain. There are no perfect spheres in nature, especially not planets or stars which have their very specific shapes for a reason. Everything in nature is imperfect and flawed by human standards anyway, and what humans call imperfection in these things is what gives these things character, if everything was perfect then everything would be more similar, "character" is what makes things different and "particular" otherwise everything would be more standard and alike, if things were perfect and alike then things would be limited and finite, and there would be no room for variation with different and particular types of things. The particular has character and is imperfect and flawed, whereas the concept of the universal is a perfect standard for all forms, and mathematical forms, aswell as a standard for all known things in the universe which are either abstract or not, "universals" can be considered to be "static concepts", even perfection itself can be considered to be a static concept, anything involving change can be considered as imperfect and flawed, anything universal is not completely real, it is part real and part possibility. It is only when the universal meets the particular within processes that you get particular things with character, and these particular things or forms are unlike any other things in existence, even though they may happen to be imperfect. What human beings call imperfection is really only a form of doubt that exists in our minds because we are comparing things in physical reality to our static and perfect "ideal"which exists only as a possibility. Even though things in physical reality can be considered as imperfect they are also efficient in their own way as a physical expression of processes within change.

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