All the complex ideas, notions, concepts and theories that our minds are able to create or receive from nature come firstly as simple ideas, or simple impressions and these come originally from our sense-impressions and these sense-impressions that we receive from our senses which then become a form of sense-data due to the faculty of perception and then become a form of understanding in our minds as a type of conception or realization of ideas is either of things we have sensed directly through our senses or they are things we have read or pictures we have seen or things we have heard people talking about etc. Complex ideas can be created in the mind without directly experiencing with our senses some of the simple ideas that these complex ideas consist of and there are various reasons for this which I will enumerate in due course. It must also be pointed out that we do not experience a lot of these complex ideas directly with our senses either even though some of these complex ideas exist in an abstract sense within nature itself as part of reality. Complex ideas are created in our minds from the many simple ideas that have been put together to create the complex ideas of varying complexity that we have in our minds. It must be mentioned that even though all our simple ideas come from our sense-impressions that some of these simple ideas that our complex ideas consist of have been received by our minds in many and varied ways, for instance, simple ideas can be received through reading, by listening to music, by looking at pictures, paintings and photographs, from things people have said, from television, films,and cinema, from objects in museums and also directly through our senses etc. Another way our minds create complex ideas out of simple ideas is by the use of logic, reason, intuition, instinct, memory and all the other aspects of the a priori concept which I have mentioned already in my essay called " logical intuition and instincts". The complex ideas that are created in our minds are either real or they are imaginary, they either apply to reality or they are fictions made-up in our minds and have no real existence except in our minds. The faculty of our mind to receive and interpret sense-data from our sense-impressions is called perception and is a faculty that is mostly a part of our senses, the faculty of understanding on the other hand is a faculty that is a part of thinking and reasoning and exists mostly in this way. Simple ideas must exist in the form of sense-data for the faculty of understanding to process it properly, because without the faculty of perception then the information from our sense-impressions would not exist as sense-data or as simple ideas for our understanding to comprehend. There is an aspect of our minds which we can call the faculty of conception which is the part of the mind that fully realizes the formation of a simple idea from the sense-data that the faculty of perception has presented to it. The faculty of conception can be said to be a type of logical cognition or process which confirms the sense-data as being a simple idea for the mind to assess. Our sense-impressions usually produce a simple idea in us or they produce a simple feeling and usually if the impressions on our senses are strong our minds can create a simple idea that contains a strong feeling (emotion) and this can be said to be extremely vivid in nature. A simple feeling (emotion) can be viewed as being slightly different to a simple idea even though most emotions are produced by simple ideas. A simple emotion is an impression or feeling that exists within us irrespective of thoughts or ideas being experienced, a simple emotion is simply felt and experienced without thought.
A simple emotion is basically alike to an intuition, or instinct in its simplest and purest form, it can be said to be the things we know to be true without having to think about it. We know things to be correct and true not because we think them to be so purely by thinking, but because we think and feel them to be correct and truly real and this is because the truth is something that is not only thought, but is something that is felt also. Ideas are involved in thinking and reasoning and emotions are what we know and feel to be correct irrespective of thinking, but most emotions come either from our simple ideas or they exist as simple emotions directly from our sense-impressions and it is sufficed to say that our emotions in general are very complex in origin and also in admixture of actual origin either from ideas and also directly from our sense- impressions and this is known to have created many a confusion in emotional wrangles between people. The emotions, passions and instincts are all part of the physical form and this is the main reason why simple emotions are instinctually felt through our sense impressions without requiring thought as a certainty of the validity of certain truths. Most of the ideas in our memory are simple ideas because when we attempt to remember a complex idea we find ourselves piecing together one simple idea after another until all the correct simple ideas have been pieced together in such a way as to present the correct complex idea that we have chosen to remember in our mind. When we attempt to create a complex idea in our mind that we have never thought about before it becomes necessary to use imagination and intuition as well as logical reasoning in our attempt to create this complex idea whether it be a representation of reality or merely imaginary.
It can be pointed out that our imagination is somehow connected to our intuition and instincts, for example, our intuition appears to be a faculty that is connected to thinking and reasoning whereas instinct is a very physical thing and is connected to our senses. Sometimes in the dark we imagine things to be there in front of us, or in a corner which are not really there and this is a form of instinctual imagination and this type of imagination is connected to the fact that our senses can fool us and play tricks on us, but we also have a reasoning form of imagination that is connected to our faculty of intuition and this is the type of imagination that is used in art and literature and is also used in thought experiments etc. Our complex ideas begin to form and take shape once we have reflected on many of the simple ideas that our minds are furnished with and this introspection and reflection occurs due to the thinking, imagining, willing, doubting and connecting of simple ideas etc. Simple ideas appear to be mainly of two basic types which our senses are able register as a simple idea, the first is the intuitive and relational type such as you find in geometry, algebra and arithmetic and the second type of simple idea is usually intuitive, and is also a matter of fact that is generalized and particular, the first type is more static and eternal like universals and the second type is both universal and particular. I am sure that other types of simple idea can be found in nature if considerable thought is given to the matter of simple ideas. In the philosophical movements of "idealism" and "rationalism" many subjective and fancy concepts were created and developed by the philosophers of these movements. Many of the subjective and fancy concepts that were created and developed in the movements of idealism and rationalism were redundant and erroneous concepts and have lowered the quality of philosophy in general ever since and this negative and weakening influence of redundant and erroneous concepts in philosophy has lead to further despondency and illusion in the philosophy that came after and it has allowed more negative and subjective fancies to appear and be produced in a lot of the philosophy of the 20th century and also up until the present day.
For simple ideas, concepts and notions to be valid they must come from reality and experience, and this is because our simple ideas must correspond to known facts of reality if we are ever going to be able or capable of creating complex ideas that are of any real truth and validity from them.
Philosophy is a science that is empirical, real, factual and objective and true philosophy does not have anything to do with the subjective fancies of ignorant people and this is only because most truths are objective and this is because most of our simple and complex ideas of the truth come from our sense-impressions especially those ideas of eternal truths which seem so profound and moving and only some or a few truths can be considered to be subjective in origin and a lot of subjective truths are usually temporary and our subjective ideas and truths usually exist as part of the minor facts of our day to day experiences. Some of our subjective ideas exist also in the form of original ideas, or insights we might happen to have in our lives of which some are real, and true whereas some are merely subjective fancies and are usually imagined. Our "ideas" and "theories" of objective reality if they are true always correspond to reality objectively and can be proven empirically and are not mere descriptions by the use of words but are actual explanations and descriptions of objective reality and processes in reality. Objective reality does not exist in words alone it exists objectively as a fact that is a part of reality and philosophy explains, and describes reality as it is. Language was developed by our ancestors to communicate ideas of objective reality and philosophy is not a language game that is stuck in language or in erroneous concepts. I must state that ideas do not exist in the literal sense in nature and what we call ideas are merely attributes, properties, forms and moments of processes which are part of the continuum of nature. Our ideas of these attributes, properties, forms and moments in processes are either abstract or concrete. What we call abstract ideas exist as potential and possibility in reality but can only be realized by thinking minds as an idea, for instance, triangles and squares do not exist in nature but are abstract ideas or concepts in reality for thinking minds to realize. Some aspects of reality seem to be abstract but exist as an actuality, for example, gravity and the strong force seem like abstract forces but are actual forces because we cannot see them, but we can feel them and know them to exist. The reason that I mention that ideas do not exist in nature in the literal sense is because ideas are a product of thought, you need to be able to think to produce ideas and to think you need a brain. Nature in general is not a brain and does not have a brain therefore it cannot think ideas or consist of ideas, ideas cannot exist in an unthinking medium. The brains of human beings convert reality into simple ideas in our thinking because our brains can only handle and process one thing at a time or just a few, but not too many. I must mention that synthetic a priori ideas and knowledge contribute to many of our complex ideas also and this synthetic a priori knowledge is only possible due to our DNA inheritance which as I have mentioned elsewhere is a natural inclination and ability inherent within us to know these truths.
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