Tuesday, 28 August 2007


"Illusions" can be found everywhere in society, and are part of how humans perceive reality in general. Money, borders, countries, economic systems, religions, the media etc., and the list goes on are all illusions, in other words these things are false ideas, beliefs, and impressions, and have created, and continue to create a lot of damage and waste in the world. As we all know the concept of money was invented in the official sense and brought into regular use in a place called lydia, in asia minor, many years ago, and since then has become immensely important in the lives of many people, but what this enthusiasm for progress brought in its wake, was that powerful human emotion which we call "greed".
The concept of money as we know it today is an illusion, countries and economic systems are basically in debt to money that does not exist, the numbers in computers and books and so on, are just negative numbers, what exists in reality are raw materials, the only thing real about money is that its substance consists of cotton and linen, and coins consist of metal. A lot of humans spend so much time being greedy, and thinking about money, and their image, and what people think of them, and so forth, and they rarely bother to spend any time thinking about what is real or what is illusion, and how these things effect the world. There is only a limited amount of raw materials in the world, and when this starts to run out we are going to run into trouble in the world, metals, and oil are both limited, things like livestock, and fruit and vegetables can be produced indefinitely and are less of a problem. Some people have the bad habit of treating other people badly for the sake of money, and not realizing how much of an illusion it really is. A lot of business companies pollute the environment just to make money, greed and illusion create these problems and dangers to the environment, and the majority of people in the world do not spend much time thinking about these problems, instead they are to busy thinking about money and being self absorbed. And also what are all the people who drive cars going to do when the worlds oil supplies begin to diminish. Also when one thinks about all the political and religious wars that have occured in this world in the name of one illusion after another, it becomes a ridiculous thing and can be viewed as ignorant and depressing. As long as human beings do not think about the difference between what is real and what is illusion, then their focus will be diverted away from the things which could possibly become dangerous in the long run for people in general.
The problem with a lot of illusions is that people follow them in a rational manner, and think that because illusions are rational then that makes them real, people think things like, for example, that we need money to survive so then it means that the concept of money is a real thing, when it is not, it is raw materials which are real, and action, and the exploitation of them by the use of money which are real.
The fact that a person can change their nationality and get a new passport is evidence that the concept of nations is another illusion, just like so many others, and even the english language is a mixture of so many things that in the end it has no real intrinsic identity of any distinct kind of reality, it is merely an appearance for real things or concepts. The attitude that some people have that most people should drive cars, and that owning a car is a sign of progress is an illusion, and it is dangerous, as I mentioned earlier, what are people going to do when the oil starts to run out in the world, the more people who avoid owning and driving cars the better for the world in general, our planet only has a limited amount of metals also, there are also better uses for this metal than building and making cars with this metal supply. Most pedestrians will find that cars are always getting in their way anyway and that the less cars are around the better for pedestrians all round. And what about all the trees and forests that get exploited and used up just so that humans can have some huge well furnished house or whatever other uses we have for wood. So that when one talks about"progress" and "reality" it is important to define what is meant by progress, and what is not, some things progress, and others do not and are a hindrance to society and civilization in general, for example, one must constantly ask oneself what has advanced and developed to a better state that we know of ?, and what has not? When talking about and discussing activities, or situations, or advances in society in general one can categorize them as either progressive, indifferent, regressive, and worse than regressive. When describing progress one must be clear about what aids it and also what curbs its advance, progress does not consist only of advances and developments, but entails the raising of the quality of things aswell as an awareness of the environment as a whole. We as humans depend on the environment so it is important to think about it at all times, and not allow ourselves to be too selfish and narrow sighted, we must care about and appreciate what we have got on this planet and that also entails curbing the population increase, too many people equals not enough resources for them all. The natural resources in the world and the economic system will not be able to withstand the amount of people and their desire to earn money and consume natural resources, but yet people continue to procreate and uphold the view that work, money, jobs, and consumption of natural resources lead somewhere to a more advanced state of progress and so on, and it does not, in fact this attitude creates more problems down the line. There are no "ideals" that are truer, and more noble, and have more integrity attached to them than having an appreciation for all forms of life, aswell as looking after the environment, and also doing what you want, and doing the things that you enjoy the most in this world before you die, and one should do this irrespective of money, or economic systems, or religions, or whatever other illusions people choose to pursue without thought or care for reality and what it means. And when you die you will not find a life after death, or loved ones, or a god waiting for you, you will simply be dead!, so do what is real for you, and for the welfare of the environment, and for the people of the future who have to live with the mess or lack of it that we create for them. Certain thinkers and writers think it is admirable to glorify capitalism at the expense of other types of political systems, but the reality is that capitalists are consuming, exploiting, and destroying natural resources and the environment in pursuit of an illusion and for a temporary sense of accomplishment, the so-called glory of capitalism is an illusion and a destructive and empty ideal. It is true that the concept of money does motivate the masses and gives them a sense of meaning and purpose, but this is only because the masses do not know how to think for them'selves anyway and are easily lead and fooled, what humanity needs are alternative motivations which are less illusionistic and less destructive to the environment than are capitalism or the pursuit of money. The universe and reality itself presents us with an infinity of possibilities, so why is it that humans in general are consuming, exploiting, and destroying our environment in the pursuit and attainment of an illusion, why should greed be more powerful than reason? The eastern concept of "maya" that suggests that the world is an illusion simply because it is temporary and impermanent does not really make any sense, just because something is temporary and impermanent does not mean that it is not real or is an untruth, it simply means that the world is a temporary truth and is therefore real in the temporary sense. If you are going talk about illusions and develop a theory about them then you have to point out what is an illusion and also what is real about the world in a logical and realistic way, you cannot just say that the world is an illusion because it is temporary and then leave it there without further explanation. For human beings illusions are just as equally important to us as the truth of reality is to us, and if we did not fantasize or imagine things in our lives then our lives would seem dull, boring, and insipid because all we would be doing is facing and contemplating the truth of reality most of the time. The problem with illusions and fantasy though is that humans sometimes get deluded by these mental constructions and they start to think that these illusions are real when in fact they are not real at all, and this situation can be very dangerous because it obscures reason and it is dangerous because we rely on reason for our survival. There are two concepts that can be considered as illusions which have existed in the public mind since the days of plato, and these concepts have created a dangerous duality on the one hand, but have also produced a lot of original and useful theories on the other, the concepts I am referring to are the world of "phenomena" or appearances, and the world of "noumena" but what has become obvious is that these concepts have been useful in provoking people into wanting to know the true nature of reality, and these concepts have made people curious about reality in general and it has also given them the feeling to want to look past the obvious and objective aspects of reality and therefore to seek more into the inner nature of the processes of energy and space, so as to undertand its true nature more fully. Objects in nature should be viewed as a whole, and as a totality, and also as a unity, and also as part of a process, to try and understand the being of an object in nature requires Some reflection and desire to imagine being this object, trying to put oneself in its place by an act of imagination and reflection, and one should repeatedly do this so that a concrete feeling is attained with whatever objects one chooses to experience in this way, one should also research and examine these objects empirically, and also all of the information about these objects should be studied. Some philosophers or thinkers believe that mysticism or mystical revelation involves the use of the faculties of "instinct" and "intuition", but this is an incorrect assumption, and it must be pointed out that these faculties exist within the physical organism for reasons of adaptation and survival. Instinct, and intuition are rational faculties and processes of cognition due to evolution and adaptation in the organism, and even the reflexes in the biological form can be connected to these faculties. Mysticism and the claims it makes must be described as being a combination of imagination, wishful thinking, and hallucination, and therefore exist purely in the mind without empirical evidence to back it up.
There can be no doubt that mysticism is an illusion, and it is true that the faculty of reason involves a connection with the senses and the organism, and is a form of non-contradictory identity of agreement between knowledge and the facts of the senses, but what exists purely in the mind should be distinguished from what exists in the organism in the way of sensibility and empiricism.

Saturday, 25 August 2007


A force that is not impulsive is alike to an impression on its surrounding area in space, so a continually acting force has a continual impression on its surrounding area, and its impression on its surrounding area in space is proportional to its combined activity. All the forces in matter are an extension of the ceaseless and perpetual vibration that exists in energy or particles, and the forces in matter are a combined harmony of this vibration in particles all working together in a concerted manner in the sense that all the energy or matter is interacting together. A continually acting force is therefore the combined activity of this impulsive, ceaseless and perpetually vibrating force within energy all acting together and in combination to produce a continous force within matter and its surrounding area in space. If you divide an object you will find the same forces existing, but it will be diminished in strength, any object that is divided has the same vibrational patterns, all tangible structures come from this vibrational allignment or pattern, all energy and its interactions produce predictable and inevitable patterns. The harmony of forces within matter operate as a field, and a field of forces is alligned in a curve that is cyclical, and has periodicity. Structure as we see it is the vibration of energy working together as an alligned combination of forces going along the same curve which goes back into itself with a form of conservation of energy. Every energy field is composed of smaller fields, or is part of a larger field, except for the universe itself which appears to be independant and not part of a larger field. Everything about energy and space is infinite, even the ceaseless and perpetual vibration in energy is eternal and infinite in movement. The "finite" has to aim to become infinite in order to achieve "reality", and this is the reason why the vibrational activity in energy and its processes produce structured reality from within the fabric of space itself, and it is this which produces nuclear reactions and so on. Energy and space are infinite in the literal and truest sense, and have always existed and always will, for instance, mathematical symbols and circles cannot represent or contain what infinity really is, it is something than never ends in the literal sense, if you pick a direction in space you will carry on travelling forever until your structure or body wears out and falls apart. The mistake a lot of mathematicians and physicists make is that they don't think energy and space can exist without time, but time is only a measure of processes within particular and isolated events, it does not exist in the absolute sense concerning infinite energy within the fabric of infinite space. The reason energy can neither be created or destroyed is because energy is infinite anyway, the universe is essentially an open system with structure, and it is utilizing infinite potential energy from the fabric of space itself. The forces in nature actively operate as a continuum from sub quantum levels to particles, to atoms, to molecules, to planetary bodies, to stars, to galaxies etc. what appears as the seperate aspects of cause and effect is really just part of this continuum.
In a continuum energy fields overlap and can be seen to interconnect at the sub-quantum level, what appears as separate or apparently separate by our perceptions is really connected at every level infinitely by energy and its fields. All the forces in nature are part of the fact that all particles vibrate and interact as i indicated earlier, the forces as a whole are a harmony in the way all the particles vibrate and interact. All particles transmit forces by exchanging particles with other particles, these exchanged particles are charged vibrationally so as to attract both interacting particles, this process is occuring all the time in matter.

Friday, 24 August 2007


The society that humans are brought up in, and the language that they are taught, and also the cultural baggage which has been impressed upon them by society conditions the way they think and feel about reality in general and how they view things. For any individual with a semblance of true character it becomes imperative for them to shed this conditioning that has been impressed upon them if they are ever to have a direct relationship with the truth. All great thinkers are creative discoverers, they start from the inside in their very "being" and then they work outwardly as a means to understanding the world, firstly they begin by purging themselves of all societal conditioning within their being, and then they proceed to learn to think and feel in a way that is truthful for them personally, and they develop a way of thinking that is without the yoke of society strangling them and suffocating their relationship with the truth. The ability to think for oneself without societal conditioning is called "pure thought", and is called this because it is a way of thinking that has been purged of all the illusions and baggage which has been impressed upon it by society. Once the process of experiencing the truth is attained in a consistent manner by the use of pure thought one begins to start feeling empowered by the realizations one encounters in their understanding of reality, and therefore it becomes necessary to translate this truth into the language that is used by society. In pure thought all prejudices and biased ways of thinking are rejected, and there are no one-sided ways of thinking in it to interfere with its processes, it is a direct and all embracing way of thinking that is "whole" and genuine. Labels and gimmicks are part of the societal and cultural baggage which I mentioned earlier in this essay, and this baggage it must be said limits the sense of freedom that is inherent within "being". Labels are always one dimensional, and being is multi-dimensional, especially one that is in touch with the truth. Reality is a continuum, and everything in the universe is relative to something else, this is why gimmicks and stereotypes fail to capture the truth about things, and it also becomes necessary that the truth should be described as a process of connecting relations, rather than as isolated concepts, or gimmicks. Any thinker who is original, and unpredictable, and writes and says things that you have not heard, or thought about before, is a pure thinker and is of great value to humanity. Presumptuous cynics always claim they have thought of everything before that great thinkers have written or said, but it is too easy and lazy to claim something after the fact, rather than figuring out things for oneself, or at least attempting to, this way of thinking is like assuming that you know everything, when in fact there is more that is not known about the universe than is in fact known about it, therefore it makes more sense to have an enthusiasm for figuring things out, rather than just claiming you could have figured that out without bothering to make the effort required due to apathy and so forth. what counts in life is that one has enterprise and initiative, rather than just knocking people who care more deeply about the cosmos and its processes and truths, and who try to figure it out. Most philosophers and thinkers tend to be a bit tyrannical and arrogant, and are always trying to push their opinions across without spending enough time thinking about things on their own, they also don't spend enough time listening to other thinkers and their ideas, this can be a great fault, but it has its uses also. Philosophers and thinkers in general must use every experience they have as a means to understanding reality, they should especially learn from the battles they have with other philosophers and people in general. Ultimate answers or truths can only be partly explained and described, they cannot be explained fully or understood beyond the obvious aspects they consist of. Humans need to overcome "mental mechanicalness" which is a tendency to use our minds in the same way ( and the same attitudes) over and over again, we should be able to change our thoughts and attitudes towards things. It is a well known fact that anyone who develops their mind, and their brains cognitive abilities produces more neurons as well, and this process continues until death. It has also been proven that a developing brain partly grows in size because of the brains similarity to a muscle, the skull also becomes adapted to this brain size increase. I must point out that developing one's brain or mind requires that one avoid drugs, and alcohol, which as you know kills many brain cells. In pure thought one must be careful that one's thoughts and theories are not "made up" and that they describe things and processes in reality as they really are in the sense of being a description of what is apparent, or likely to be apparent in reality. What appears to be one of the things that makes one persons character different to another persons character is the way they use their brains, whether this is insinctual due to the will is a fascinating thing to think about, the difference between a person who is very intelligent and a person who's thinking is mediocre is the way they choose to use their brain. All human beings should learn to think for them'selves first, and then afterwards if they want to permit certain types of knowledge to shape and influence their minds that should be up to them and should be their own choice, it is strange how society tries to manipulate people by forcing them to send their children to school, and also by forcing talented children who have a career in showbusiness to get home schooled. Any kind of thinking which requires pure reasoning must reject all biased and prejudiced attitudes from its cognitions and thinking patterns, because if these prejudiced ways of thinking are not banished once and for all in the commencement of our understanding of things then these unnecessary attitudes will begin to slowly grow and then end up ruining the straightforward quality of our conclusions and reasonings. To be 100% truthful in every way about one's thoughts and feelings about reality is the only way to be authentic and honest about things, and it enables us to understand reality more fully. We must be just as negative as we are positive about how we experience reality, reality does not deserve us being positive a lot of the time, or even negative a lot of the time, or any other kind of one-sided way of thinking, because to experience reality truthfuly requires an honesty that goes beyond the human tendency to act or label things or behaviour, reality is something that simply exists and we are merely a by-product of its processes, and reality does not deserve anything from us, we only owe ourselves the truth and a complete understanding of it. It is impossible to understand reality fully unless we can be extremely negative at times, and also be highly positive at other times, and also humorous at other times and so forth, and also everything in between, because what counts in the eventual outcome is that we can harmonize extremes or insights in our understanding of reality, how can we understand reality fully if we are one-sided or not willing to be extreme in our desire to understand things, and likewise how can we understand reality unless we stop acting and learn to be completeley truthful and able to handle humiliation. And also a lack of desire to always want to be right helps one understand reality also, because people who always want to be right only see what they want to see, and they do not see the truth of reality, because this is how perception works. Truth and falsity only seem to exist when we make a clear distinction between things, but when we harmonize them and view them as a process this distinction disappears. When you become a pure knowing subject of "truth" then all falsity disappears, and your consciousness deals only in what is concretely real and connected.

Thursday, 23 August 2007


The curiosity and the sense of wonder that the truly enthusiastic thinkers of all time have shown us, is that a widening of our senses and a desire to comprehend the cosmos brings us a joy that cannot be measured by the mere thoughts of an unenthusiastic mind. Narrowness of thinking and the blinkering of the mind to the wonders of the universe is in humans a great failing and a flaw in character, evolution in its truest sense implies being puposive, enthusiastic, and having a progressive outlook on the world. one will also find that this lack of desire that some people have to want to understand the universe in which we live in, is a great shame, that humans can get through life with this complete lack of an enthusiasm to want to understand the universe is shameful, and should be avoided at all costs by every human being. That people can blindly believe in god without requiring any evidence for god's existence, has always seemed to me like a very gullible and delusional thing for people to do, for instance, the fact that a religious fanatic is willing to kill people for a concept that probably does not exist, rather than appreciating these people for real, and having love for them, tells you more about the content of the character of some of these religious people, rather than giving evidence that there is a god. When human beings don't appreciate and respect each other, life becomes depressing, because most of the problems in the world are caused by either jealousy, or stupidity, and a small percentage of the problems in the world are caused by other things, for example, even "competition" in humans is a reflex of the biological form, or organism, rather than a properly worked out solution. What humans need are properly worked out solutions rather than blind biology. People should have faith and belief in each other, they should respect and appreciate each other rather than be self-absorbed in their own ego's and self interests all the time, they should try to strike a balance between self-interest and an appreciation for others, they should also do this instead of believing in a god that might possibly be non-existent and actually vacant from the processes within the cosmos. Belief in the concept of god can divide people in a very dangerous way, because it is not pragmatic, and it is a concept that is used to justify mental laziness at the task of trying to figure out the truth about reality and the processes of energy in the cosmos. The sheer joy and wonder one gets from thinking about the universe and its processes is a feeling that should be encouraged in everyone. A long list of the fascinating and mysterious aspects of the universe could be written out which could be considered as interesting and well worth thinking about, it could be done if one chose to do this, but it is better to tackle these mysteries in an organic way, and treat them as enjoyable mind problems to be solved. On the most part humans live by the preconceived conditioning which has been impressed on them by society, with all its religious and cultural baggage, for example, if one wants to shed limiting beliefs as if it was an old skin that is no longer adequate for our growth, entails having to re-learn a more radical and truthful form of knowledge and purpose, and this new purpose may consist of a way of living that could be in opposition to the passive conformists and religious brainwashed dogmatists who continually attack and oppress free thinkers and those with personal intelligence.
My aim in writing this essay is not to attack the religous, or the spiritual minded people who believe in god, but to open up peoples minds to wanting to think about the universe and how amazing it is in its own right, irrespective of how it might have been created, and I hope that what I have suggested is not taken as an attack on peoples beliefs, because I consider tolerance to be an important virtue for human beings to have, and it is not my aim to try and devalue peoples beliefs whatsoever, my aim is to point out logical ways of thinking as important factors in undertanding our existence and our place in the universe, as opposed to just accepting what we were taught and think we know without sufficient evidence for its justification.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007


We live in a time or period in which society and the media is largely cynical, confused, and illusionistic, where apathy, doubt, and uncertainty is mingled with hopes of a glamorous and superficial lifestyle, not only is this evidence of a society that needs to grow up, we are also under a constant bombardment of negative and nihilistic images by the media, which goes to show how immature, uncertain, and ignorant society truly is in its evolution at present. Much more maturing is required of society in general if we are to progress anywhere, and one can safely point out that this is only because society is still in its infancy, and is still very young, for instance, when one thinks about it in depth, one could say that time frames for the evolution of societies are much more extended than we at first realize when we think about it, and also society has not really been around that long when one compares it to biological evolution. Society has a lot to learn and re-learn due to the past errors of judgement that have occured in the events in the world so far, not only is society still in its infancy, but also human consciousness is still in its infancy also. Human beings are capable of creating a far superior society than the one's we have at present, they simply have to drop the illusions, and the apathy, and the cynicism, and get busy maturing as a whole, and get more in touch with the truth and the things that count. Creating truth out of possibility is the wellspring from which all purpose and meaning flows out from, so it makes more sense to create a meaning out of the thought that basically all of society needs to mature a bit quicker than it has been before too much doubt occurs in the world.
Human beings up until today have been largely passive and conformist, they have allowed concepts like god, and religion, and nationality, and politics, and money, and so many other things to rule them and influence them, if democracy is to really work in the world people have to refuse to conform to society in general, aswell as learn to shape the society in the way they want it as a whole, and they can only attain this as a non-conformist mass of people, they should do this instead of allowing the people who have the power in the things they are meant to conform to to have a power over them to manipulate them, because it is people in general who really have the power, and they have to stop giving their power away to the power hungry conformists and manipulators of the world. Realistically though humans have a lot of potential to do great and fantastic things in society, and with society as a whole, but they have to stop giving their power away due to fear, and selfishness, and mental laziness, and apathy, and cynicism and the list goes on and on like this, it is a shame really that a lot of people are to self absorbed to care about society and its problems. Individual people should do some revaluation of their place in society and view their situation as something progressive within a structure that has a lot of growing up to do, people should get busy shaping society in a more truthful and mature way, they should not allow dogma and ignorance, whether it be religious or political to interfere with their personal intelligence. The desire to live more genuinely within society implies a responsibility for one's own actions and how it affects other people, and this can be a lonelier stance or approach to be in, if one compares it to people who do not care about society at all or where it is going, whether they be involved in politics or not. The infancy of society will not last forever, but hopefully it can mature well with some of our help and wisdom, we just need to contribute to it what we can, so that its development will go without any problems, and in the course of time it will grow up to be a responsible adult.

Monday, 20 August 2007


"Intentionality" is the active part of "being" which corresponds to the "will" in biological life, it usually exists before any thoughts we have of a specific kind appear, it compels us to grow from the time we are a baby and gives us a sense of purpose up until the present moment as you are reading this text. Intentionality makes every mental thought or action aim towards a purposive goal, or specific point, biologically we are set this way unless we choose to manipulate it by the use of free will, and will-power. "being" also has a passive, receptive side which is more empathic and sensitive to changes, the amount of dimensions a person has in their being and perceptions depends entirely on their desire to change themselves, our results in life are proportionate to desire, and action in all that we do, if a person wants to develop more dimensions to their being and increase their perceptions, they first have to have the desire to develop them. "The intentionality of being" can objectify our feelings or thoughts in an abstract way in such a manner that we physically respond to them, such as doubt, and fears, and joys which affect our conduct, I used the word objectify because this process can give us hallucinations once they have gone past the abstract phase of their development and become more mentally concrete, this happens more to people who have some kind of additional psychic power beyond the normal amount. Ideally our psyches or minds should be like close to perfect working systems, but yet they are interrupted by the intentionality of our imagination and wills. In my introductory essay on multi-perception I mentioned that many perceptions can be developed and used simultaneously depending on what perceptions are needed at that point in time in whatever situations we are in, it can only really be brought about by intentionality and its use by doubling, and then tripling its force and so on, as I have written already it is like many focused beams of intentionality working together. The intentionality of consciousness is directed towards the outside world, it is aimed towards the "objective reality" of objects and things, and it is therefore the aspect of consciousness which is most in touch with the faculty of reason, intentionality is the aspect of consciousness which is positional and exhausts itself in its efforts directed outwardly and objectively, it can also be said to lack stability. The psyche or consciousness as a whole needs stability and a foundation to work from as such, which one might add is the subjective unpositional and stationary aspects of consciousness. One cannot say that all the aspects of consciousness are aimed towards objective reality, it is also necessary to describe the aspects of consciousness that are geared towards or reside in subjective reality. "Subjective reality" are all the feelings we have as well as the aspects of consciousness which contains our inner world or inner life of the imagination, emotions, and intuition which are just as important as the faculty of reason or intentionality are, and this is the main reason why all morality and ethics should be based on "reason" and "emotion" in equal measure, because one is just as crucial and fundamental as the other. The Imagination, emotions, and the intuitive aspects of consciousness are more understanding in their cognitions and assessments pertaining to the arational, and irrational and groundless aspects of reality than the faculty of reason is on its own, and feelings and emotions are therefore just as relevant in all assessments of reality and truth as the faculty of reason is on its own, and therefore feelings and emotions are just as important as reason is in morality and ethics aswell as in all assessments of reality in general. It is because of the impulsive and rigid aspects of intentionality that we select in our minds what we want to perceive when we scan any given situation in life, and this is one of the reasons why their is always a discrepancy between how we perceive things in any given situation and what actually occured in that situation in life, and also how it looked, or what the weather was like and so forth, in situations some people tend to remember details a lot, others remember the general outcome of the situation and a few other things, highly emotional people mostly remember the general feeling of the situation etc. Experiments have proven that intentionality, and our behaviour in general begins in the subconscious, therefore all so-called conscious decisions, strange behaviour, and accidents due to instinct have already been decided upon by the subconscious, in a sense it could be said that we live more instinctually than we would like to believe, and our behaviour is not as highly consciously decided as we would like to believe it is, our instincts it must be pointed out are usually influenced by our environment, and our situation in life due to prior causes, and our mental, and emotional state in general, the instincts in biological life were shaped by evolution, and adaptation and constitute an immense part of our behaviour, biology, and instinct is stronger than conscious reason.

Sunday, 19 August 2007


The "thing-in-itself " concept which is alluded to by philosophers like Immanuel Kant, and Arthur Schopenhauer is a concept that can be viewed in two different ways, so can therefore be used in two different ways depending on your inclination. The first way in which the thing-in-itself concept can be viewed is that it is merely an ideal for unrealisable perspectiveless knowledge, and so can be viewed in this way if one choose, but this strikes me as being a very passive manner in which to use such a useful concept, even Immanuel Kant himself was not sure whether the concept should be used in an active or passive manner. I believe that the thing-in-itself concept should be used in an active and constructive manner as a way of trying to understand what truly constitutes matter and forms and the nature of things-in-themselves, for instance, when one thinks about it for any length of time it becomes obvious by inference, and also evidence of facts that the true nature of energy, forms, and also the nature of things-in themselves is a "force, activity, and inclination" that is inherent in all energy or particles, and it is the ceaseless and perpetual vibration that exists in all energy and particles, and it can also be said to be the most mysterious and elusive force that we know of in the cosmos and is responsible for all the forces and forms in physical reality, even Immanuel Kant himself always referred to the thing-in-itself concept or true nature of things as the aspect of physical reality that we cannot fully understand, and he was right!, because in sub-atomic physics especially in quantum mechanics heisenberg's uncertainty principle has proven kant to be correct, at least for now!, in time humans will know more about the true nature of energy, space, and the universe.
This thing-in-itself force must have been responsible for the big bang, and all the other forces that exist in matter, but a lot of people usually try to explain this away as being the creation of god and so forth. The thing-in-itself force always appears as a process that goes from groundless and irrational, to arational, to rational, as its processes work themselves out fully and develop, this process usually aquires a harmony of activity as it organizes itself structurally in a concerted manner, for instance, energy and its rates of vibration going from so-called strings, to particles, to atoms, to molecules to ever so more complicated structures relies upon a sort of concerted effort on the part of energy or the thing-in-itself aspect of energy, and it is not too much of a stretch to suggest that the forces in matter are an extension of this vibrational activity or force that we call the thing-in-itself. According to arthur schopenhauer the "will" in nature emanates from this thing-in-itself force also, even though the concept of the will in nature is responsible for a lot of the evolution of biological life, in speech it applies more to desires, needs, wishes, hopes, urges, inclinations, volitions, resolutions, determinations, decisions, choices, purposes, selections, plans and so on that a lot of the forms of biological life goes through and experiences.
In the forces that exist in nature it is usually the processes that can be considered to be rational, rather than the causes or aims. The "will" of a particular thing obeys no time constraints, it is timeless and can be activated by whatever causes come along, for instance, this happens when we plant seeds that have been lying around on our shelves for years, or when we conceive a child. Once the cause of a thing has been activated it is the internal and particular aspect of its appearance and phenomena that exists and subsists in time in the sense of causality, and time cannot be a fixed determination of the outward aspect of phenomena. Without the thing-in-itself force everything in the universe would be static, and undynamic, and without movement, how could one conceive of any processes within energy without it. The main reason biological life exists at all is because of the "ceaseless and perpetual vibration " that exists in "energy"and this activity is "infinite and eternal in movement and quantity", it is the driving force of everything, and anything that has a "will" in nature, and of so many other things in nature also, it is what makes biological life grow and progress, it gives us meaning and purpose. Our existence as we know it today is the resultant activity of this thing-in-itself force, it is even at work in the ageing process of our bodies at this present moment, and all the processes that have lead to our existence within matter is due to this force and it is what has produced us. All the creative aspects of nature such as biological life mostly come about because of the harmony that exists in processes that are part of the thing-in-itself force. Even electricity is a part of this thing-in-itself force, in a way it can be viewed as an aspect of this force which can produce a pure and continuous current of movement. One day more in the future when peoples senses improve they will be able to see and feel the ceaseless and perpetual vibration that exists in energy and matter, and they will also be able to see the colours that are part of the electro magnetic spectrum more clearly. All universals, forces, laws, and rules in nature are inherent within the ceaseless and perpetual vibration in energy and its activities (i.e., the thing-in-itself force,) and this general thing-in-itself force is the essence of these processes and harmonies of activity. There is no doubt that all energy appears to be living, and also appears to be conscious and highly aware of its activity and surroundings, and energy is always in harmonious communication with the other energy that is around it. Matter, or energy depending on how we use these words are used to express how seemingly solid objects or things in reality appear very solid, and this is only because the activity or vibration of energy itself is in a state of constant and continuously structured movement, so therefore energy appears to be more solid than it really is, but in reality so-called solid matter has more empty spaces than our senses can detect in their present state of advancement, maybe in the future when peoples senses are more advanced and refined this less solid aspect of energy will be more noticeable to the senses of humans. All of the movement in the universe, from the big bang, to orbiting planets, to the movement of the iron core mantle of the earth, and also to the tides of the sea by the pull of the moon , and also to the movement in biological life itself in the sense of the will in nature all comes from the activity and perpetual vibration in energy and its interactions with itself in the sense of a continuum of its activity, and processes.


Biological existence and biological life in all its nuances, one can say, springs from chemical reactions and its interactions with water and bacteria and is all a process, our ancestors were basically worm like creatures that sprung from these basic processes. Plants, greenery and trees must of come from different types of mold. All molecules, atoms and particles have a ceaseless and restless movement and all the movement that exists in the universe is due to this ceaseless and restless movement in energy, there are not any forms of matter that are static, so therefore all forms of biological life are a "creative ordering" amongst this ceaseless and active movement of processes in matter. All creation is automatic and inevitable and springs from this movement and all forms of biological life in general cannot be said to have come about by accident or chance and so even if humans did not exist there would still be many other forms of biological life around nonetheless because other animals and plants and so on would still exist. All of the meaning and purpose that is ever to be found in reality prior to the meaning that we create can only be found within the context of processes and their outcomes and also in the circumstances that exist therein. The passing on of one's own genes seems to be the main purpose of our existence as human beings in the context of what I have mentioned above.
Meaning and purpose are slightly different concepts, but are connected within the processes of events, for example, meaning is anything that has a serious, useful or important quality, whereas purpose means the intention, aim or design of a thing or its behaviour. Meaning can be said to be found in our need for air, food, water and sunlight because these things have serious, useful and important qualities for the very survival of our own existence itself and exists prior to any other meaning that we create ourselves, whereas purpose applies more to procreation or the meaning that we create ourselves. The word "meaning" has also come to signify both the definition of the word meaning that I have already given as well as the definition I have given for the word purpose both together as its meaning, for example, as in "something that is meant or intended because it has a serious, useful or important quality that one is referring to". "Biological forms with a mind" are animals and humans and all forms of life that have a mind and are capable of translational movement. The meaning and purpose of existence for biological forms with a mind is explainable in two stages, first there is the meaning, intention, aim and design of biological forms with a mind as a whole and then there is the meaning, intention, aim and design of the particular individual biological form with a mind. It can be said that meaning and purpose is when something is designed to do "something" due to the inevitable processes that have preceded it, biological life for instance and what it is designed to do, one can say, are its intentions, aims and designs that spring from its will. The most basic meanings that biological forms with a mind can find in this world is the desire to survive and secondary to this is the pleasure principle, which is the desire for pleasure and happiness and thirdly is the avoidance of pain principle which entails the desire to avoid pain and discomfort. The desire to survive, seek pleasure and avoid pain can be considered as a "will to life" and is only incidental to the fact that we have bodies, our thoughts, emotions and feelings are more fundamental aspects of our character and therefore the desire to create in all shapes and forms must be an additional meaning found in our lives. If the biological life forms with a mind that I have mentioned already are to prosper as well as advance and grow they would need conflict and struggle as well as a need for comfort and security. The development of a mind in biological forms of life is an inborn germ of realization of possibilities inherent within the processes in molecules and genes which occurs and develops unconsciously and then becomes more conscious over time, this process is intentionally willed in a gradual way by organisms only after a period of mechanical and automatic processes which came about due to the natural movement inherent in energy (matter) and its processes generally. The meaning or purpose of our lives that people are always talking about as well as whether our existence has any value or aim is merely up to us, because we have to create additional meaning in the sense of filling our time with purpose, humans are basically purposive organisms. There is not anything special about biological life or human beings, the only thing special about human beings is their desire to evolve, advance, progress as well as their desire to figure out reality and the universe, so whatever additional meaning or purpose beyond the neccessary one's that their is for us as humans comes from this sense of purposiveness that we all create because of the fact that we already exist. Human beings are just a by-product of the inevitable processes of energy when it creates galaxies, solar systems and planets and these processes are harmonious, progressive and are continually refining themselves. Anything that leads to progress has meaning or you could also say that anything that has meaning is progressive and leads somewhere forwards and onwards towards a more advanced state and anything in nature that was designed to do this has meaning also, because it is serving its purpose. Humans are a purposive animal, they are at their best and most contented when they are driven by a purpose, this purpose can change from time to time, but it is usually present, this current purpose is important otherwise they feel that their existence is strange, paradoxical and futile and as I have explained before, purpose is when something is designed to do something. Adaptation is a natural outcome of the survival , pleasure and avoidance of pain principles that exist, adaptation also makes the biological life form feel a desire to progress and seek harmony, these are natural inclinations for its sense of purpose.
The amount of meaning or purpose that exists for each individual is relative to their situation or abilities, for instance, life will have less meaning for a retarded or spastic person in comparison to an intelligent, able or successful person. Ultimately all meaning and purpose for human beings comes from their thoughts, intentions, desires, needs and ideals which are progressive and beneficial to humanity at large.
Any theory of meaning should be be equivalent to a science of human needs, desires, ambitions, intentions and ideals and so on... This "science of meaning" for humans should account for the intentionality that exists within us as well as in how it expresses itself in its different ways or manifestations. This science of meaning should be progressive and it should be able to account for all human possibilities; the theories of this science should enable humans to advance and progress quicker and adapt to more complicated scenarios that will exist in the grand international civilization of the future. A science of meaning for human beings is important because humans are the most complicated objects of activity in the known universe, but yet they are finite and so therefore can be analyzed up to a certain degree of accuracy; as humans we have to house manifold desires and needs without contradicting ourselves, we also have to prevent ourselves from becoming neurotic or repressed. A thorough knowledge of meaning and purpose for humans can only come from a scientific knowledge that studies psychology and human behaviour, we know that it is philosophical and scientific knowledge that can explain the concept of meaning and purpose itself and how it came about as well as in how it makes us progress as organisms. Also meaning cannot come from religion either, human meaning and not universal meaning is concerned with the biological organism and therefore involves all of its behaviour, human meaning involves behaviour that is empirical, real, possible, life affirming, progressive and actual, it can only be truly understood by induction. The human organism and its behaviour is partly mechanistic and partly autonomous, this is why great feats of endurance or starvation can be endured as well as a lot of pain can be endured also by an organism with a tough and strong mind and this is because the mind which is housed in the body can produce an autonomous and controlling affect on the rest of the body and this is what is known by people as mind over matter or the mind/body dualism, the more the mind and body are in tune with each other the more mechanistic will be the behaviour of the organism, whereas people who think a lot and are slightly out of touch with their bodies and their surroundings are more likely to be autonomous as an organism insofar as how their minds control their actions. As I have mentioned earlier; most people in the world need meaning and purpose in their lives and so if a person finds meaning and purpose in a life of philosophizing or then again maybe in a life of politics then all the good for them! Whether a person chooses to become an athlete or an astronaut and spend their days pursuing these things day after day then it must be pointed out that this is all for the best to them and this should be the response of all the positive and free thinking people of the world. "Emotions" can be considered to be just as rational as the "faculty of reason" and this is only because all processes in the universe are "ultimately rational in nature" and occur for a reason including the emotions. Emotions in general are a combination of the chemicals in our bodies as well as a type of imagination that is concerned with adaptation and the changes in or lives and also the motives that we have which are based on and caused by the pleasure principle and also the avoidance of pain principle and also concerns parts of the brain and its electrical activity. All of the events and circumstances that occur in reality including wars, peaceful organizations, political movements and social situations and events and all the other day to day situations both great and small as well all other human behaviour generally can be found to have meaning and purpose, because all behaviour and processes in nature can be found to have meaning and purpose if traced back and analyzed fully and thoroughly. Meaning itself cannot exist without meaninglessness and many people make the mistake of thinking that life either has meaning or it does not. Now one thing cannot exist without the other and meaning is an indication of how much processes in nature are progressive and lead towards the good and the constructive, whereas nature also has a lot of meaninglessness as well in the sense of suffering and unfulfilled processes. Now how much one is either able to live a happy constructive life or either sufferers at the hands of fate will be an indicator of how much meaning or lack of it one endures. I must point out that there is no underlying meaning or purpose to reality or processes generally and that any meaning that can be found at all exists only in the results of processes and how they function as well as in the meaning that we create; this may seem like a trivial and unnecessary set of meanings to some people who are used to thinking that there is no meaning at all in things prior to the meaning that they create themselves, but as a logical proposition it holds firm and is a valid observation of a truth. Also most people will agree that there is no ultimate meaning to life either because we as organic life simply arise and evolution and progress do not lead anywhere in the ultimate sense. In general our existence has no more meaning than what it represents to others, what we represent has its own value for whoever values it, apart from this and what we do with it, it has no meaning. Whether people value what we represent or not, does not really matter. Being who you are is what counts, people either value you or they do not, only people and other organisms can value things in any way that counts. There were thinkers like Sartre, who believed that reality was fundamentally meaningless; that no meaning could be found in it, unless through a highly conscious choice on our part. There was also Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who claimed that reality was impregnated with meaning, and that meaning could be found everywhere. The reality concerning meaning, is that it can be found naturally, but yet is not found everywhere at all times. A good example, of how meaning is experienced, can be observed in children; for children, meaning is experienced naturally, and they experience it spontaneously, without too much conscious decision on their part, they either feel it for something, or they do not. It is mostly when we become adults that we begin to doubt that any things have any meaning, and this is because our minds are more fed up and bored with the familiar things that we always encounter regularly. Now when we really think about it, apart from procreation, the main purpose of organic life seems to be a sort of  process in which organisms become gradually more aware and conscious of themselves, and their surroundings, as well as in a need to thrive. It is as if this process is occurring naturally all the time anyway in organic life, but instead we make up other purposes, or erroneously claim there is no purpose of any kind.

Saturday, 18 August 2007


Even though spirituality maybe a form of wishful thinking on the part of the people who call themselves spiritual, it none the less can still be considered to represent certain ideals which have a practical and moral value for people in general. Spirituality puts importance on feelings and thoughts of an introverted nature, people who call themselves spiritual apply this to a way of living , it is true that a lot of the ideals which are considered to be spiritual are of a positive kind, such as sacrifice, altruism, peaceful co-existence, humility, discipline by the use of prayer and so on, and can therefore be considered important for our evolution as humans. It does not matter whether we as humans have a soul or spirit or whatever that lives on after physical death, all this maybe wishful thinking on our part. Humans have always had spiritual beliefs irrespective of mainstream religions ever since the days when they lived in caves. To suggest that their is a god that exists, that created everything, or that god is dead, or that god does not exist, does not take away the feeling of wonder that is the miracle of reality, and the processes of energy within space, the structure of the universe is an amazing thing irrespective of what people say about it or how it was created. The ceaseless, eternal, and perpetual vibration of energy is the greatest if not one of the greatest mysteries known to humans, it is what Arthur Schopenhauer called the thing-in-itself (or the "will" in nature), it is also impossible to explain the reason why energy and infinite space exists at all!
Another way to look at spirituality is to view it as a concept of the human condition which connects us all in its ideals and morals, and elevates us towards our higher selves, humans need some of these ideals and morals of spirituality for their psychological well being and evolution.

Friday, 17 August 2007


The cynical belief that some people have that philosophy is an insoluble game that resolves nothing and goes around in circles like a game that cannot be won, must be rejected at the outset of this essay. My aim in describing the intentions of philosophy as an ongoing process of development, and also of how much use I think it has been to humanity since its conception, is inestimably great in the wealth of its ideas and deeds in my opinion. The first aspects of philosophy that I will point out as I begin to describe its development, is the well known fact that a lot of the concepts and theories of philosophers since its conception have either engendered or developed most of the subjects that we have today in our educational system and in the world in general, to put it bluntly, I would have to say that philosophy is the most creative and wealthy of all subjects! Philosophers have always been the most creative thinkers and their ideas have always been the most cutting edge and progressive. The concepts and theories of philosophers have usually been adopted by scientists, and psychologists as well as politicians and other thinkers also. In speaking of the intentions of philosophy I would have to say that if a philosophy is to produce a progressive affect on its readers and in the world in general, it has to be radical and extreme, rather than harmonious. During the middle ages the philosophy of Aristotle was considered as harmonious because it informed many people of the things that they wanted to hear, nobody bothered to question it, except for a few enlightened individuals; this feeling of harmony and comfort that some people get of only noticing and listening to what they wanted to hear, instead of listening to the truth on certain aspects of things which people had discovered at the time that Aristotle's philosophy did not cover that he revealed, produced a stagnation in thought amongst most of the thinkers of that period. The philosophy of Nietzsche was revolutionary and progressive because it was radical and extreme. There are many ways to be radical and extreme without being negative or saying undue things, for instance, Jesus was this way and so was Buddha and Gandhi. Nature creates harmony irrespective of whatever disturbances have occurred in the world by political or philosophical movements, but at least if you create a disturbance you are guaranteed to produce a proportional amount of progress for your disturbance. The ultimate aim of philosophy is to find questions concerning reality and then attempting to answer them. Philosophy always looks for a solution to all known phenomena in reality and it tries to create a possible truth to fit what we are unsure about concerning reality, one of the philosophers aims is to avoid not having an answer for most peoples questions. When it comes to the kinds of questions that philosophers ask themselves, it is important to know how to ask the right questions or be able to find the right questions and then make an effort to answer them to the best of one's ability. The right types of questions that philosophers should ask are the one's when answered lead to solutions or insights that resolve significant things concerning reality and existence generally. If a philosophy is to be "whole and complete" it must be able to embrace the rational and irrational aspects of reality and everything in between. Critical analysis in philosophy especially of older theories is a necessary and modern aspect of philosophy and any up and coming philosophers to the philosophical scene should examine what has been written and said before so as to judge and examine if it is still valid or not, all contemporary theories must be examined and judged also to see what they contain and they should also judge whether these theories have any validity as such. All critical analysis in philosophy is also radical and extreme and requires that one be as honest as possible in the revaluation of earlier and contemporary philosophies. Nothing aids the philosopher more than to have a set of progressive methods and techniques of different and varied kinds to attain to an understanding of the truth rather than sticking to a specific system. All the phenomena that exists in our surroundings and in the universe at large is an ongoing process, therefore all the methods and techniques that are employed by the philosopher to arrive at an understanding of the truth should also be a process that is progressive and this makes more sense than sticking to a specific system, most systems in philosophy and elsewhere are usually rigid, dishonest, limited and usually become outmoded and have to be replaced by some other more superior system and then has to be replaced by another and so on. If a philosophical system is to be progressive and genuine and able to grow and develop it would have to be a very loose system that can resolve itself fully in its expansion and in every step forward it takes in its development. The disadvantage to not having a system in philosopy is that particular information one propounds if not followed by progressions and connections will not lead anywhere, it will simply exists as loose information or knowledge; a good philosophical system is like a tree or a process in nature that actually leads somewhere as it works itself out fully and any eventual limitations that exist in it can be disgarded and replaced by new insights. A philosophical system should be allowed to grow organically and it should not be forced in any way to grow in an artificial manner, it should be allowed to grow like a tree. The concepts and theories of philosophical truth are progressive and the more one adds to them the more complete and absolute they become, one must eliminate all that was uncertain about them. Even though the truth cannot be figured out 100% within any theory or field of enquiry, it still becomes necessary to eliminate uncertainty in any theory if it is to progress as a theory and this method of eliminating doubt from theories must be conducted in a piecemeal way, also to make any theory more certain requires that you add new insights in a likewise manner. Philosophical theories and concepts must be progressive and "whole" and the philosopher must make them more and more certain and complete over time. All the identities of theories and concepts in philosophy must be relational and the philosopher must describe how concepts are part of processes within reality and how they relate to other concepts and so on. Forward progressions and original thinking is what counts in philosophy. The desire to create new ideas and make new insights about reality requires a lot of discipline and intention on the part of the philosopher, but is well worth the effort and should be pursued by every philosopher, for a philosopher new and original ideas should be like drops of rain during a monsoon period and as I have said elsewhere, our results are proportionate to our desires and effort, especially in wanting to uncover new insights about reality. All philosophers and thinkers and people in general should learn how to think for themselves first and then gradually and slowly permit other types of knowledge to influence them afterwards, the things which philosophers or thinkers should learn from other philosophers of the past which are the most useful for their own development as thinkers are the methods and techniques of reasoning that have been employed by philosophers for thousands of years. Any philosopher who cannot think for themself is a useless and worthless philosopher, because by thinking for yourself you create and discover new insights about reality, which adds to what is already known. Even though it is natural for a philosopher to simply have theories about the truth of reality in the form of knowledge, it is not knowledge itself which defines a philosopher as a "character" or influence on his or her readers, therefore I would suggest that if a philosopher is to affect a change in their readers, it would require that the philosopher is able to indicate possible truths with his or her words and suggest possibilities of a progressive and radical nature. A philosopher should also be a visionary and an advice giver of the kind that would benefit humanity. Just because a philosopher has interpreted the truth in his or her own way and that their theories are merely representations, does not mean that it is not the truth of a useful kind. A philosopher should be completely truthful to their own thoughts and feelings, because the "truth" is the most important of all things in this world. Anything unexperimental is not worthy of being called the truth. The greatest and hardest task for a philosopher is to reveal and figure out things about the universe that no one else has thought about before, philosophers should spend a lot of time thinking about new things and attempting to understand them. Philosophers should be attracted to unpredictable ways of thinking, they should think about things in reality that no one else has thought of in that particular way, this should be cultivated in the general make-up of philosophical thinking. Predictable lines of enquiry produce stagnation, the act of being unpredictable is a catalyst for new ways of thinking about reality and the cosmos, the predictable is worn out and incomplete, one should always ask why? To question and ask why is so and so this way or that way, is of more value to the philosopher than always having to develop opinions. For a child curiosity is a novelty, but for a philosopher it is an ongoing process of discovery, curiosity is a very active principle. Philosophers should never lay claim on the truth, the truth belongs to everyone, to worship other philosophers and thinkers should be avoided, "a philosophers mind, should be like a diamond of pure brilliance".
A philosopher should be able to eliminate all the doubt that exists within their own philosophy and their philosophy should be able to resolve itself, especially in the branch of ethics or morality, which is the most difficult to resolve. Most of the people in the world are natural philosophers and philosophizing it must be pointed out is a very natural and instinctual type of cognition, which is the mental act of wanting to attain to the truth of reality and experience, the same can be said about reason and logic, these are natural and instinctual types of cognitions within the consciousness of most people. The difference between the philosophizing of the average person who is living their life and that of people who call themselves philosophers is that the former are always talking about things they cannot fully explain, whereas a good philosopher can explain many things fully and a philosopher always attempts to understand reality more fully and completely, it is important for people to try and understand the truth of reality more fully because this process is one of the only things that makes human beings anything special at all and it is a process that aids their evolution, human beings truly evolve by applying their minds more to trying to understand reality more fully and adapting to what they have learned. The problem with a lot of peoples philosophizing is that they claim that they understand reality either because they have been brainwashed by society and culture and are too mentally lazy to think for themselves or because they are presumptuous and indifferent and mentally lazy also. Human beings cannot evolve into something greater unless they can understand reality more fully and also learn to think for themselves more. Philosophers should never consume drugs, alcohol, tobacco and coffee and the reason for this is because these things cloud and impair their judgement when they are philosophizing about things, it is impossible to be fully in touch with the truth under the influence of these substances. The certain attitude and opinion that some people have which makes them think that philosophy is a very limited game of word play and leads nowhere or on the other hand that philosophy does not tell you anything significant or important about the world and reality at large is an attitude that is like a disease or a poison and it is this way of thinking that makes these people anathema in the eyes of all the real and genuine philosophers of the world. As a lot of people know the word philosopher means lover of wisdom and truth and it does not mean lover of word play or games or delusions or insignificance or whatever other negative attachments some people attribute to philosophers and philosophy. How can one say that an understanding and description of the truth is just a limited play with words and nothing more significant than this, knowing and describing the truth and acting on this knowledge and information is a practical and useful thing in every aspect of one's life. Most of the people who call themselves philosophers are genuinely describing the truth of reality by whatever means and abilities they have, obviously there is going to be a small minority of people who call themselves philosophers who are not very serious about philosophy and who may discredit the rest of the philosophers in the world and also there is going to be other people who say, this is my philosophy!, etc., but they are not at all serious about what they are talking about and even if they are serious they may not have given the things they are talking about much thought beforehand and even if these people have thought about their own theories a lot they still may not have taken their theories very far or developed them properly. The world needs philosophers because the world is full of deluded and confused people and these people in the world need philosophers to guide them and indicate the truth to them and and also to remind them of it, in fact many people become philosophers because they get fed up of all the untruth, doubt and confusion that goes around in the world. In philosophy certain obvious and common sense things about reality do not need to be indicated because anyone can point them out, so it becomes necessary in the light of what I have just mentioned that all philosophers should think about the unobvious or the doubtful aspects of reality. It is important to try to explain and describe the reason why things in reality are the way they are, instead of just accepting that they are that way, which is what most people always do. In philosophy it is not the words, systems and philosophical movements that matter or count, it is the meanings, concepts, theories and good ideas that matter and which are of primary importance, these aspects of philosophy that matter must relate and agree with the objects of reality and they must also agree with the abstract aspects of reality also that you apply them to and only in this way can you be assured of their truth and validity. In philosophy descriptions of reality and truth are more important than so-called labels and key words, key words can be useful though and helps in categorization. Also in philosophy categorization aids description and one should be efficient and clear in how one categorizes concepts and theories. Philosophy can be viewed as being a group activity and so if it is not being debated and discussed then it is not active and alive. Philosophy by its very nature can be dangerous and subversive. New ideas and unobvious insights can challenge peoples long-held beliefs and opinions. It is in the nature of philosophy that enables us who follow it to challenge peoples long held beliefs and opinions, otherwise ideas and beliefs remain stagnant and dogmatic and so do most people in their way of thinking. I have encountered thinkers that have studied philosophy for a while and are more out of touch with the truth than people that are simply honest and straightforward and do not have much knowledge of philosophy, logic and science. Sometimes when some people study philosophy and its logic as well as its concepts, they end up, it seems, to complicate and confuse things further, either because they are not very intelligent or somehow because by studying these things they become sophistical and dishonest in their approach to matters; it could also be the case of the fact that studying these things has made them even more dishonest than they already were. The worst faults that I think that a philosopher can have, are, for example, a narrowness of vision and insight, a lack of ability to integrate opposing truths or contradictory knowledge; another fault in philosophers is to think that truths, concepts and ideals in philosophy are absolute and fixed and therefore are not adaptable to new situations. A philosopher has to be able to account for changes in perspective, situation as well as in all new circumstances (i.e., dogma is bad in philosophy). Adaptation and a sense of freedom are very important qualities for a philosopher to have generally. The faculty of philosophizing or the desire to philosophize has more or less always existed within people, it also seems to have developed as people have developed. Philosophy must of started off as a practical and superstitious type of philosophy, then it must of become more religious and mystical over a period of time, it then seems to have become more abstract and then afterwards became combined with the scientific method. We know think of philosophy as consisting of either the individual stages or parts of its development or as combinations of it. Sometimes normal everyday people display more wisdom in their behaviour and sayings than certain famous well known philosophers of the past have shown, it is just that these normal everyday people lack the desire or the time to develop their views in their everyday lives. What really counts in philosophy is the extreme joy, enjoyment, satisfaction and peace of mind that one gets from figuring things out for themselves and developing their conclusions in a systematic way. The worst philosophers either cannot think for themselves very well or they put vanity and self-ego worship before a love of the truth, these people simply want to win arguments or dogmatically feel as though they are correct all of the time without giving matters requisite thought and time. These bad philosophers that I mention have no real love and enjoyment for thinking and discussion, the truth does not really mean much to them, they do not value it much, they do not really care much about figuring things out and this general attitude of theirs is compounded by pride, ignorance, dogmatism and a stubborn demeanour generally, it seems as though this attitude is very characteristic of most postmodernist thinkers today. It is important for philosophers to make philosophy highly empirical, concrete, practical and real, otherwise philosophy does not have much to show for itself and becomes merely so many unverifiable words. Too many philosophers have allowed themselves to become too vague, wordy, abstract, self-indulgent and wishy-washy in their argumentation and theories. Most philosophers in the past have been sad people, yet a philosophy should be happy, positive and real, if it is to be of any use to anyone. Philosophy should not be a negative and sad affair. Apart from being used to figure out reality, philosophy should be used to improve peoples lives, it should be used to make them happier.


To begin with I would like to point out the importance of the concepts of "totality" and "wholeness" and how necessary it is to harmonize minor and so-called seemingly opposite truths into a greater and more fully worked out truth. A common mistake and error that is made by philosophers and thinkers in general, is that when they find something they disagree with in the theories of someone else, they have the tendency to oppose it in a literal and one sided manner, the reason this occurs is because of the one track minded and linear aspect of the intentionality of consciousness in general. If the truth of a matter is to be understood, then what we need is an all-embracing way of thinking, the limits of our understanding of the truth are not the limits of the truth itself, they are simply the limits of our minds, usually in perception our minds select what we want to perceive about reality, and we do not always realize what is actually there, we as humans must overcome this and try to force ourselves to perceive more fully and openly what is actually there in reality, this fuller perception I am referring to is what I call multi-perception.
It can be said that the "truth" is found in the "Whole", and not in one sided ways of thinking, all the truths that we know of must be harmonized into a whole if any greater truth is to be understood.
Things define themselves by comparison, the identity of truths, or concepts, are relational, the identity of a truth or concept is determined by its relations to other truths and concepts as identities, the identities of truths and concepts when compared and harmonized wield a truth of a fuller and greater kind.
The mental act of opposing a theory by saying something different to it, only gives you a one sided view of the activities of the reality of the whole of this truth of which it is a part of in general.

Thursday, 16 August 2007


"opposites" are said to either compliment, or accommodate, but in reality opposites do not exist in a literal sense. Opposites are merely the "same thing" but in a different state of "activity" and form. This different activity or form that energy or whatever opposite to something else takes on is a way of creating tension or movement, it is a natural and dynamic aspect of the laws of nature. Opposition in humans comes from the fact that nature designs people differently in will and desire, the desire that humans have to contradict each other comes from this difference and an excessive use of emotion also. The unconscious mind is not the opposite of the conscious mind but the same thing, it seems opposite because we are not conscious of it, and it is continually at work in everything that we do. All contradictions, paradoxes, ambiguities, and opposites seem this way because we are not conscious of the fact that they are activities of the same thing which are behaving or operating in a slightly different way, this activity is more noticeable at the quantum level, and not so noticeable in larger structures or forms. The conscious mind is usually very intentional and focused, its usual approach is linear in most cases and therefore perceives things as opposite. We as humans perceive things as opposites because it is part of our very being and existence itself, for instance, the very structure of our body and being operates in this dualistic sense, we have the two halves of the brain, we have the left half of the body, and the right half of the body, and so it's hard to escape this method of thinking in opposites.


Consciousness, sensibility, and intentionality and so on is what we as human beings have as a means of understanding objective phenomena in our surroundings and in the cosmos at large, but yet somehow it seems that intentionality has a one track mind. In reality there is a multitude of processes and phenomena occuring everywhere at all times in the universe and in our immediate surroundings. And the desire to overcome this one track minded scenario will be important for the evolution of humans, in the past this type of perception was useful because it reduced problems to manageable proportions, and it allowed people to focus and concentrate, which contributed to them evolving, but the human race has now reached a point in their evolutionary path that requires them to develop multi-perception as an extension, and not as a replacement of the one track minded intentionality scenario, without multi-perception reality will always seem fragmentary to our consciousness, and its complexities will not be understood. To develop a multi-perception requires a knowledge of the different types of perceptions, of which there are many. The following are some of the different types of perception that I was able to remember: immediacy perception, meaning perception, social curiosity perception, process curiosity perception, empathy perception, intelligence perception, physical awareness perception and so forth... Any kind of perception is like a focused beam, so multi perception is like many focused beams switching and alternating to fit the situations we are in, each combination of perceptions is used depending on the situation in which they are needed . An aspect of the development of multi-perception that needs to be pointed out is that at times in our lives we are able to be a pure knowing subject, which means allowing the truth to flood into your being and consciousness, this concept is the same as the buddhist concept of emptiness, it can be said to be a will-less state that allows us to be a pure subject of perception combined with the different perceptions needed at that moment in time. In multi-perception it can be suggested that intentionality should be harmonized with a powerful awareness of our surroundings and our perception of it being complete and all embracing. The goal of multi-perception is a perfect unification of the pure willing aspect of intentionality, married to the awareness of the subconscious in such a way as to be an all embracing combination of multiple uses of perception in our consciousness, and as a means to understanding our surroundings, and the phenomena we experience, and also the cosmos at large is more fully understood by the use of this method. Multi-perception it must be pointed out is only our representation, but of a higher grade or order of perception and intentionality than was previously normal. Humans developed the faculty of "reason" as a means to understanding "objective reality" more fully, also humour was developed by humans so that people could tolerate hardships and difficulties more easily, and also as a means to overcoming those moments when they felt nervous just before they had to do something important. As human beings progress and advance more towards the future they will develop more traits and faculties to suit and deal with whatever situations they come across, and these traits and faculties will be developed to suit their desires and will, these traits and faculties will be an extension of multi-perception. Biological life forms do not need reason to understand subjective reality, all they need is their instincts and will to understand it, when we are sad we are sad, when we are happy we are happy, animals live mostly by subjective reality and by their will, most animals have not needed to develop the faculty of reason yet because they have been largely uninterested in objective reality. "Disorientation" and "clarity" and "diversity" are aspects of consciousness, and consciousness has intentionality also. In describing the intentionality of consciousness I would have to point out that consciousness is not a passive process and that any lapses in the efficiency of its processes exist because it simply goes through periods of disorientation and clarity, for those who want more information on intentionality you will find that I have described it more fully in my other essay of that title. Consciousness is always intentional and it is never passive except when disorientated or calmed by meditation, it will be noticed that even when we are sleeping our minds go through the processes of ordering itself. A lot of the progress that is found in evolution is due to this intentionality of consciousness that exists in biological life and the development of its desire to advance and improve itself and its attitude to its surroundings. "Peak experiences" also give us a brief moment of clarity about the world, anything that gives our consciousness a feeling of clarity is truer than anything that disorientates us, it is mostly people who are happy and healthy in every way who have "peak experiences" and who develop them more. In evolution biological life forms gradually attain more clarity and truth in their consciousness and in their view of reality as a whole as they evolve, all biological life forms are more disorientated in a more unevolved period of their development and as they slowly and gradually evolve they attain more and more clarity slowly and surely, and also more types of perception are developed, as well as new traits and faculties, these are all aspects of adaptation. Too much disorientation in the consciousness of people can produce illusions, hallucinations, doubts, hopelessness, despair, cynicism, confusion, ignorance, foolishness, etc. To eliminate disorientation and doubts from our consciousness in a piecemeal way gives us a type of clarity, and it prevents us from making too many mistakes in our lives and in the world, and it enables us to be in touch with the truth about things at all times in our feelings and in our consciousness. The development of consciousness within biological life is a gradual process, and if consciousness is to exist at all in biological life then something resembling a brain must be developed by the organism, an example of this is that a tree, or a plant cannot be said to have a consciousness even though they exist as a type of being. A brain appears to develop within biological life when any organism attains to a state of self awareness within its being, and this occurs at some point in its development within processes, so one should point out that the brain, and consciousness is the result of self-awareness within biological life. Self awareness, progress, and the development of a brain, aswell as consciousness within biological life appears to have been motivated by pleasure, joy, and happiness because these are the qualities, ideals, and states that motivate biological life the most in general, so these must of been the qualities, and ideals that motivated organisms and biological life to develop self awareness, the structure of the brain, as well as consciousness, and this occured because qualities, and ideals exist as potentiality, and actuality within reality. To imply motivations in the sense of qualities, and ideals to be followed, or pursued is at the same time to suggest something that can follow these qualities, and ideals and can be motivated by them in the sense of a force (i.e., the will in nature,) or an urge that is continuous, which also accounts for proliferation.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007


Earlier philosophers mostly wrote and talked about the "will" in nature as though it was either a completely blind and groundless force or had a specific intention, but in reality the will in nature is a creative and constructive force. It must also be pointed out that most of the theories of the past concerning free will are not the same as the concept of the will in nature, the thinker who has described the concept of the will in nature more accurately than anyone else in my opinion, was Aleister Crowley and he was not even a philosopher! Even though the origin of the will in nature is groundless, It is true to say that the aim of the will in nature is a type of "harmony", and a satisfaction of the intentions it expresses, which become progressive. All creation is due to a harmony and also an equilibrium of forces in energy and its interactions. In general the will in biological life aims towards harmony, meaning and purpose and these goals vary in degree due to its manifold expression. Arthur Schopenhauer was a profound thinker! Schopenhauer was willing to go so far as to suggest the strange but startling insight, that the concept of the will in nature emanated from the perpetual vibration that exists in all particles and energy, he does not actually describe this in words, yet his train of thought leads to this conclusion with some inference on my part in reaching this assessment, I think this needs to be investigated further though and this concept is what he calls the thing-in-itself, a term he borrowed from immanuel kant. The thing-in-itself, or the will in nature that Schopenhauer writes about, one could say, starts off blind and groundless, but then through its processes eventually becomes more purposive, and progressive, one can observe this in biological evolution. Advanced forms of biological life display an objectification of the will that is meaningful, purposive, progressive, advanced and refined. Advanced forms of biological life attain a high level of freedom due to the will in nature. One can tell how groundless and blind one persons will is, when compared to a person with a more evolved will, a less evolved will tends to make people stupid and violent and irrational and the opposite can be said for a person with a more evolved will. The concept of appearances or phenomena is just another way of saying that the objectification of the thing-in-itself or will, displays itself in all its plurality and appears differently and in many ways as a process that is fully working itself out and can be seen as this so called phenomena or appearance in its expression. The thing-in-itself starts off the same in the beginning of its processes (a groundless and blind force), but as particular phenomena, it displays itself differently. Consciousness is able to shape the appearance or phenomena of biological life by the use of the will in nature, one can see this in evolutionary progression. Schopenhauer claims that the mind is at the service of the will at all times, even though this is the case, I do not believe that the will is a fixed and rigid force, I think that it is progressive and becomes meaningful and so on, due to the influence of the mind and "reason". To "will a self" is a form of pragmatic idealism, it implies shaping oneself in a certain way to fit your "ideal", whatever that may happen to be. The will in humans consists of all our needs and desires and we have many desires and needs and not just a few, our will is a unity of manifold needs and desires. The only thing that truly belongs to us is our "character", therefore it is important to develop our character. In reality a person has no identity except for their own character, for instance, a person can change their name a hundred times and the human race, is only one race. The will must be developed fully and strengthened. It is the will that shapes the character, a person should have 100% belief in their character and will and nothing less. A person should be truthful to their own feelings about their own character and will. Survival of the fittest is an example of the will in nature. The will in nature produces in biological life a feeling of a constant struggle to make sense of our existence and we have to constantly try to understand what it wants, it also gives us the desire to understand the world and the cosmos more fully. Some people believe that the actions of biological life such as plants, trees, animals and people is just the result of a type of program designed by nature, but this sounds far too passive and fatalistic, it is like saying that people are merely automatons that can do nothing that is beyond their program, who programs the program ? People, animals and trees and so on display an objectification of desire and adaptation which can only be described as a form of will, if things were merely due to a program it would not be able to adapt or have specific desires that other programs do not have. It would not make sense to say that a planet orbiting a star has a will or that a volcano has a will, or that the sea has a will, etc., yet one finds that what we call the will in nature is in some ways not too disimilar to the examples mentioned, all these activities come from the same or similar sources of activity in energy, yet what we call the will in nature is an aspect of the processes in nature that we associate to biological life. Most of the people in the world are indifferent to our wishes and desires and most of what we achieve in life is due to our will. The will is a very active force or principle, there is not a thing of any worth that can be done without it, the will is also a very powerful force, the will can resist things, it can go against things, the will can go a very long way on its own abilities, for instance, the old saying; "where there's a will there's a way" implies this. As I have already mentioned earlier the concept of the "will" in nature is an extension of the perpetual vibration and activity that exists in energy or matter which can be viewed as both eternal and infinite in movement. The reason that I mention that the vibration and activity in energy is infinite is because there is an infinite amount of energy, and space is also infinite and energy exists everywhere in space and is all connected as a continuum of activity and also the vibration and activity in energy is eternal and infinite in movement, its movement and activity is without limit or end, it is ceaseless and perpetuates forever. The "will" then as an extension of the perpetual vibration and activity in energy is the prior reality that shapes the activities and potentialities of the occurences in reality and the actual in reality is an objectification of this prior and fundamental reality. Forms and bodies in biological life are a secondary visible objectification, expression and manifestation in actuality of this primary reality. Desires are produced by this prior reality or will and are objectiified into actual tangible reality, teeth, gullet and intestine are objectified hunger; the genitalia the objectified sex drive, these desires appear to influence evolution and seem to be passed on in procreation to a certain extent and this occurs in an exponential manner. The fact that progress is exponential and perpetuates and continues is because the perpetual vibration and activity in energy is eternal and infinite in potential and so is continually at work in a focused way. The actuality of these processes always remains finite and becomes exponential and progressive in degrees. These processes of objectified actuality are always attempting to attain to a more potentially advanced state and condition. And these processes are always aiming towards the infinite but never quite getting there, so it does not matter how advanced progress becomes because it will always be finite in comparison or in relation to the infinite which these processes are aiming towards in potential. It is the "will" in nature which compels biological life to form, evolve, survive, adapt and reproduce and possibilities, potentialities, actualities, universals, ideals and potencies are all in its purview of activities. That we need energy and its vibration to sustain our life when we consume food is evidence of the fact that without energy and vibration our ability for motion, whether it is vital motions such as blood flow, pulse, breathing or excretion would no occur and that would also indicate that our strength and will is founded on the energy, vibration and sustenance of matter itself, and accordingly all voluntary physical motions such as speech, eye movements and all general movements of the limbs are founded on our vital motions. Vital motions are necessary for the voluntary physical motions and what we call the will is similar or the same as our vital motions. The will itself in the sense of "willing" is the active part of the vital motions and the voluntary physical motions themselves would not be able to engage without the active part of the vital motions (i.e., the will). The continuum of processes in cause and effect operate in the sense of the contiguity of relations or connections therefore the energy, vibration and sustenance of the food is converted into the energy, motion and will of the biological organism. Any weakening on the vital motions due to a lack of food has a corresponding weakening effect on the will.
One will also notice that the biological organisms that do not have any translational movement such as trees and plants get a sufficient amount of energy from the soil, the sun and the rain whereas biological organisms which are capable of translational movement require more energy intake due to their activities. The principles of the will in nature is the same in a tree or a plant as it is in human beings except that a biological organism usually requires a brain for independent translational movement as well as for proper thought or consciousness to occur. Any theory of free will or the volitional aspect of the will cannot be complete without pointing out the fact that it would not be possible without a thorough knowledge of how transmitter neurons control behaviour due to the prompting of the mind and its cognitive processes. A study and analysis of cognitive science and the mind is necessary to understand the volitional aspect of the will.