Wednesday, 15 August 2007


The belief that only the rational aspects of consciousness have meaning and that the apparently irrational parts of consciousness are meaningless is far too simple a way to view these aspects of consciousness. The one-sided assumption that makes certain philosophers to believe that reality is arational and not rational and not groundless (irrational) as well, is like saying I only accept one third of reality and choose to ignore the other two thirds of it, if philosophers like Aristotle and Hegel implied that some aspects of reality were rational and if Schopenhauer and Nietzsche implied that certain other aspects of reality seem groundless and irrational, then they were all correct, the true answer to all things will be found in harmony and balance and one will never find the true answer to anything in one-sided ways of thinking that is usually engendered by a type of cynicism and arrogance. Our task now is to describe all the three main aspects of reality that have been enumerated, the rational, the arational and the groundless irrational aspects also. When philosophers say that reality is rational, they mean to say that the same causes always applied in the exact same manner will always produce the same effects, for instance, the same chemical experiment conducted in a specific manner will always produce the same effect and not a slighty different arational one. Gravity is always consistent, so are all the other forces as well, they are all rational and logical processes. I will now move onto what seems like the groundless and irrational aspects of the cosmos, which as you know exist at the commencement of all processes leading from all other processes, for instance, in the early part of the development of our universe prior to and during the big bang and after the big bang, the energy and its processes were going through what seems like basic groundless phases of its processes and slowly became more rational and organized and so on, all processes in their development and refinement become "ultimately rational", to say processes in reality are arational is to describe a middle area between the groundless and the rational aspects of processes which are always in development. Irrationality that contradicts itself, is not the truth of a high grade or order of rationality, whereas irrationality that does not contradict itself is usually a truth of a high grade or order of rationality, but is not always true. Contradiction is a form of self deception that occurs in our mind. My theory that I call multi-perception that I will write about elsewhere, is that we are able to understand the irrational aspects of consciousness and reality. What we call the rational or the sane in peoples thinking patterns, is really just the one track mind perception of intentionality. Multi-perception requires energy of a different sort to pure willing, multi-perception requires an all embracing will-less sort of energy, which is a unification of the "will" in nature, that exists in all of us as the intentionality of our consciousness, married to the all embracing knowing of the subconscious. What appears to be irrational and groundless, is the same as what is arational and what is rational, but of a complexity that we do not fully comprehend or understand and is therefore a rational process of a different relative scale of advancement, the more rational a process becomes the higher the grade or order it has in the sense of rationality, whereas arational processes are graded in the middle of complexity and one can say that the groundless aspect of processes are complex in their irrationality but none the less rational. What humans call irrational behavior is really just an attempt by the will and the mind to understand groundless causes and aspects of the cosmos which appear irrational, the groundless and the irrational are aspects of nature, the groundless and irrational aspects of nature usually exist just after the end of one process and at the beginning of a new process in its infancy when it is unsure of itself and it is trying to work itself out. Even though certain interactions and aspects of nature seem groundless, all interactions of energy in nature operate within certain rules and follow certain rules without fail, this is why we know that processes in reality can be understood by the faculties of "reason" as well as logic, these rules can be fully understood and comprehended no matter how complicated these interactions and operations of energy or events in reality seem according to these rules. What most people call the sane or the rational in peoples behaviour is only partly the truth of the reality of events and the so-called sane and rational ways of thinking are a type of conformity to what is socially and culturally expected and accepted by most people in societies, but the truth of certain phenomena and the events in reality as I have mentioned already can appear groundless and irrational and certain aspects of reality can seem chaotic to our minds and senses, the truth proper of reality is sometimes in conformity with what we call sane and rational and sometimes it is not!, this is the reason why very smart people who are trying to figure out reality can sometimes seem crazy to some people. It now becomes necessary for us to begin starting to define the concept of chaos itself and how it relates to our consciousness. "Chaos" it must be pointed out is a relative term, for instance, if more of the variables of a phenomena are accounted for the more order can be found in it, therefore chaos has order but of of a more complex kind than our minds can fully understand or comprehend, our minds cannot really penetrate this type of complex order, because our brains at present in their evolution are not up to the task of such intense and complex cognitions. The word chaos can be said to mean confusion rather than disorder, seeing as though this was its original meaning in Greek, it is a modern error in thinking to view chaos as the opposite of order, as I have mentioned before, so-called opposites are merely different activities of the same thing. Irrationality in its truest sense does exist objectively and it is simply a mental attempt and subjective mental barrier to the comprehension of what is difficult to understand about reality and appears as our inability to comprehend it rationally in the sense of how we perceive objective phenomena and events. Humans and their minds are finite and when they are trying to understand and comprehend the reality of the universe as a whole which is infinite they are going to run into problems in most cases in this attempt, so it is natural that irrationality would exist to us as a concept, it can be argued that there are other causes for irrationality in people which I have not mentioned or covered in my resoning on irrationality, but this is only because this is not my aim in this present work as such.

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