Thursday, 23 August 2007


The curiosity and the sense of wonder that the truly enthusiastic thinkers of all time have shown us, is that a widening of our senses and a desire to comprehend the cosmos brings us a joy that cannot be measured by the mere thoughts of an unenthusiastic mind. Narrowness of thinking and the blinkering of the mind to the wonders of the universe is in humans a great failing and a flaw in character, evolution in its truest sense implies being puposive, enthusiastic, and having a progressive outlook on the world. one will also find that this lack of desire that some people have to want to understand the universe in which we live in, is a great shame, that humans can get through life with this complete lack of an enthusiasm to want to understand the universe is shameful, and should be avoided at all costs by every human being. That people can blindly believe in god without requiring any evidence for god's existence, has always seemed to me like a very gullible and delusional thing for people to do, for instance, the fact that a religious fanatic is willing to kill people for a concept that probably does not exist, rather than appreciating these people for real, and having love for them, tells you more about the content of the character of some of these religious people, rather than giving evidence that there is a god. When human beings don't appreciate and respect each other, life becomes depressing, because most of the problems in the world are caused by either jealousy, or stupidity, and a small percentage of the problems in the world are caused by other things, for example, even "competition" in humans is a reflex of the biological form, or organism, rather than a properly worked out solution. What humans need are properly worked out solutions rather than blind biology. People should have faith and belief in each other, they should respect and appreciate each other rather than be self-absorbed in their own ego's and self interests all the time, they should try to strike a balance between self-interest and an appreciation for others, they should also do this instead of believing in a god that might possibly be non-existent and actually vacant from the processes within the cosmos. Belief in the concept of god can divide people in a very dangerous way, because it is not pragmatic, and it is a concept that is used to justify mental laziness at the task of trying to figure out the truth about reality and the processes of energy in the cosmos. The sheer joy and wonder one gets from thinking about the universe and its processes is a feeling that should be encouraged in everyone. A long list of the fascinating and mysterious aspects of the universe could be written out which could be considered as interesting and well worth thinking about, it could be done if one chose to do this, but it is better to tackle these mysteries in an organic way, and treat them as enjoyable mind problems to be solved. On the most part humans live by the preconceived conditioning which has been impressed on them by society, with all its religious and cultural baggage, for example, if one wants to shed limiting beliefs as if it was an old skin that is no longer adequate for our growth, entails having to re-learn a more radical and truthful form of knowledge and purpose, and this new purpose may consist of a way of living that could be in opposition to the passive conformists and religious brainwashed dogmatists who continually attack and oppress free thinkers and those with personal intelligence.
My aim in writing this essay is not to attack the religous, or the spiritual minded people who believe in god, but to open up peoples minds to wanting to think about the universe and how amazing it is in its own right, irrespective of how it might have been created, and I hope that what I have suggested is not taken as an attack on peoples beliefs, because I consider tolerance to be an important virtue for human beings to have, and it is not my aim to try and devalue peoples beliefs whatsoever, my aim is to point out logical ways of thinking as important factors in undertanding our existence and our place in the universe, as opposed to just accepting what we were taught and think we know without sufficient evidence for its justification.

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