Wednesday, 15 August 2007


When in life we come to survey and assess our surroundings it will be found that in reality the concept of "being" applies to animate and inanimate objects alike and also that the concept of "self-conscious being" is a process and not a fixed "entity" or "essence" as such. When we apply this concept to people it will be noticed that we as people have a type of freedom that goes beyond labels such as "existentialist" and "objectivist" and "carpenter" and so on and that even our names can easily be changed. Being can be said to be partly fixed and partly changeable as a process in a description of biological life or animate things, for instance, there are certain character traits about ourselves that we cannot fully change, so I suppose this gives us a type of stability and there are also things or character traits about ourselves that we can change. Self-conscious "being" is an objectification of the "will" in nature or that sense of immanence of forms and processes in reality that come from animate activities of nature and therefore is one of the least static or limited aspects of the will in nature. When I say that being is a process, I mean that in biological life it is an active form of existence such as you find in trees and plants, in self-conscious beings such as people and animals it is a process that is an extension of thought and action and so one can also say that being is an active process in animate things and a fixed process in inanimate objects or things. Being can also be viewed as any kind of process within energy and forms that exist in general and is part of reality and exists. Self-conscious being is also an awareness of self existence and its own sense of consciousness, self-conscious being is also an awareness of sense-data and self-conscious being can also be said to be awareness of notions and concepts. The meaning of the concept of being in the simplest sense means to "be" or to "exist" so it relates to animate as well as inanimate things in physical reality, it could also be described as being any type of biological process in nature that involves the will in nature or any type of biological form that has a presence and awareness of existing as a form within physical reality. The concept of being covers many aspects of reality and is a very useful concept in general. "Becoming" is the dynamic aspect of "being" it is all the things that being consists of as well as all the things it has the awareness of that it wants to become. The process of becoming also involves chance and desire, it is an objectification of the will's constructive force and struggle for what it needs to satisfy itself. The state and condition of becoming that exists in being is the essence of self-conscious being, it is the state and condition of projecting its existence or self-awareness into the future, of anticipating what may come or should be done. Even though being and organic life is creative and does not submit to formulas its behaviour can still be analyzed in retrospect by the use of reason. Being exists in time and time iself is the essence of the dynamics of being. Will-power and free will is aspects of being and becoming that are active, free will and will-power enables us to change ourselves only up to a certain degree but never completely, "free will" does not exist in the absolute sense. One of the reasons why we suffer in life is because of the fact that we cannot will things in the way that we want them to be and this is because the will in nature has no aims except for a sense of harmony and progress, because this is its purpose and aim and its origin is groundless and we are merely products of this. A persons character is partly fixed and partly changeable, because this is how being and becoming operate in the real world objectively. What we choose to become as humans is also influenced by the type of "ideals" that we live by. What we ultimately become at any point in time is the type of destiny that we forge for ourselves and this can only be attained by the realization that we cannot count on anyone but ourselves and the people that we have a genuine affinity with. Life is such a precarious and fleeting thing and nearly everything that we become in life is somehow shaped by the thought of death, whether we think about it consciously or subconsciously does not really matter, the feeling of death is always their within our being. Knowing we have to die can sometimes seem like a sad thing, but yet it is a blessing, the thought of living forever would be like a curse, a nightmare!. In the future when people are able to live for a long time and then die a dignified death, then this will be a time when death will no longer bother anyone. Being in the subjective sense is independent and autonomous and views itself as unique, but in the objective sense in the manner of how it approaches the world it finds itself similar to other beings either in habit or attitudes and the reason things are this way is because objective reality is perceived by being as very specific, rigid and consisting of rules which all beings have to conform to. All beings have to conform to a certain extent to certain aspects of objective reality, society and culture, but they are not aspects of objective reality one has to conform to though, even though it tries to manipulate and limit all beings. Subjectively we as beings respond to objective reality differently to other beings, our view is similar to other beings initially in the early stages of our lives, but then gradually as we get older we begin to respond differently to objective reality and our view of it likewise changes in accordance with our response to it, our response to reality is the direction we choose to take in our lives and we cannot help responding differently to reality than other beings because nature designs everyone a bit differently and we are therefore following our true natures by responding differently, one of the worse things we can continuously do to ourselves in life is to ignore our true response to reality by conforming either to society or to strong influential characters who are constantly trying to manipulate everyone and everything whether they exist in the media or in our immediate surroundings. In nature "being" and feeling exists before thought does, for instance, a tree has being but it has not developed the ability to think in the way that human beings do. In life what counts is not who you are, but who you want to "be" or "become" and this should be done in accordance with a honesty and truthfulness to oneself in all that one does in life and this could be said to be what is meant by the concept of "to will a self" and this is an approach that is useful because "being" and "becoming" are creative and idealistic processes in regard to humans and how they shape themselves. Movement is the best thing for the being because laziness is ultimately depressing. Some philosophers believe in the concept or theory of "contingency" and this theory implies that our existence or being depended on processes that may or may not have happened or occurred, but this is a flawed theory because of the simple reason that the existence of a human being is inevitable and is due to very specific processes that could not have occurred in any other way than the way they did occur, therefore humans do not find meaning in the theory of contingency, but they do find meaning in the fact that they are a product and also an expression of inevitable and specific processes. A good well ordered way to live is to base our behaviour on a healthy balance between our instincts and also on our conscious rational thoughts and decisions. Seeing as though being is both partly fixed and partly changeable as a process implies that it is useful to follow both the dictums that are in common usage that applies to these aspects of being; the first dictum is to "know thyself" and the second dictum is "to will a self", the first teaches us to understand our motives and behaviour as well as enabling us to understand and accept the things we cannot change about ourselves and the second teaches us what it is we can and want to change about ourselves as well as how we can go about doing this. Most of the knowledge that human beings have and develop teaches us the reason why certain things are the way they are and it also teaches us how to do certain things and also how these things function and occur, but it is up to us to understand the reasons why we do certain things, because it must also be pointed out that it is important to understand the reasons why people in the past did certain things also, because it is very important to understand our motivations and desires. The act of learning and trying to understand our reasons for doing things are important lessons because this behaviour saves us from making errors. It is important never to lose our enthusiasm and curiosity for life and also for the things of the world because within our being a lack of feeling and interest for things equates to a form of slow death. Life itself is basically an existence that we did not choose to experience, we suddenly or gradually depending on the situation of our development find ourselves at a young age in a strange and large world and from then onwards we find ourselves going through the motions of traversing and experiencing this world and it is something we have to do whether we accept our existence or not.

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