Thursday, 16 August 2007
Consciousness, sensibility, and intentionality and so on is what we as human beings have as a means of understanding objective phenomena in our surroundings and in the cosmos at large, but yet somehow it seems that intentionality has a one track mind. In reality there is a multitude of processes and phenomena occuring everywhere at all times in the universe and in our immediate surroundings. And the desire to overcome this one track minded scenario will be important for the evolution of humans, in the past this type of perception was useful because it reduced problems to manageable proportions, and it allowed people to focus and concentrate, which contributed to them evolving, but the human race has now reached a point in their evolutionary path that requires them to develop multi-perception as an extension, and not as a replacement of the one track minded intentionality scenario, without multi-perception reality will always seem fragmentary to our consciousness, and its complexities will not be understood. To develop a multi-perception requires a knowledge of the different types of perceptions, of which there are many. The following are some of the different types of perception that I was able to remember: immediacy perception, meaning perception, social curiosity perception, process curiosity perception, empathy perception, intelligence perception, physical awareness perception and so forth... Any kind of perception is like a focused beam, so multi perception is like many focused beams switching and alternating to fit the situations we are in, each combination of perceptions is used depending on the situation in which they are needed . An aspect of the development of multi-perception that needs to be pointed out is that at times in our lives we are able to be a pure knowing subject, which means allowing the truth to flood into your being and consciousness, this concept is the same as the buddhist concept of emptiness, it can be said to be a will-less state that allows us to be a pure subject of perception combined with the different perceptions needed at that moment in time. In multi-perception it can be suggested that intentionality should be harmonized with a powerful awareness of our surroundings and our perception of it being complete and all embracing. The goal of multi-perception is a perfect unification of the pure willing aspect of intentionality, married to the awareness of the subconscious in such a way as to be an all embracing combination of multiple uses of perception in our consciousness, and as a means to understanding our surroundings, and the phenomena we experience, and also the cosmos at large is more fully understood by the use of this method. Multi-perception it must be pointed out is only our representation, but of a higher grade or order of perception and intentionality than was previously normal. Humans developed the faculty of "reason" as a means to understanding "objective reality" more fully, also humour was developed by humans so that people could tolerate hardships and difficulties more easily, and also as a means to overcoming those moments when they felt nervous just before they had to do something important. As human beings progress and advance more towards the future they will develop more traits and faculties to suit and deal with whatever situations they come across, and these traits and faculties will be developed to suit their desires and will, these traits and faculties will be an extension of multi-perception. Biological life forms do not need reason to understand subjective reality, all they need is their instincts and will to understand it, when we are sad we are sad, when we are happy we are happy, animals live mostly by subjective reality and by their will, most animals have not needed to develop the faculty of reason yet because they have been largely uninterested in objective reality. "Disorientation" and "clarity" and "diversity" are aspects of consciousness, and consciousness has intentionality also. In describing the intentionality of consciousness I would have to point out that consciousness is not a passive process and that any lapses in the efficiency of its processes exist because it simply goes through periods of disorientation and clarity, for those who want more information on intentionality you will find that I have described it more fully in my other essay of that title. Consciousness is always intentional and it is never passive except when disorientated or calmed by meditation, it will be noticed that even when we are sleeping our minds go through the processes of ordering itself. A lot of the progress that is found in evolution is due to this intentionality of consciousness that exists in biological life and the development of its desire to advance and improve itself and its attitude to its surroundings. "Peak experiences" also give us a brief moment of clarity about the world, anything that gives our consciousness a feeling of clarity is truer than anything that disorientates us, it is mostly people who are happy and healthy in every way who have "peak experiences" and who develop them more. In evolution biological life forms gradually attain more clarity and truth in their consciousness and in their view of reality as a whole as they evolve, all biological life forms are more disorientated in a more unevolved period of their development and as they slowly and gradually evolve they attain more and more clarity slowly and surely, and also more types of perception are developed, as well as new traits and faculties, these are all aspects of adaptation. Too much disorientation in the consciousness of people can produce illusions, hallucinations, doubts, hopelessness, despair, cynicism, confusion, ignorance, foolishness, etc. To eliminate disorientation and doubts from our consciousness in a piecemeal way gives us a type of clarity, and it prevents us from making too many mistakes in our lives and in the world, and it enables us to be in touch with the truth about things at all times in our feelings and in our consciousness. The development of consciousness within biological life is a gradual process, and if consciousness is to exist at all in biological life then something resembling a brain must be developed by the organism, an example of this is that a tree, or a plant cannot be said to have a consciousness even though they exist as a type of being. A brain appears to develop within biological life when any organism attains to a state of self awareness within its being, and this occurs at some point in its development within processes, so one should point out that the brain, and consciousness is the result of self-awareness within biological life. Self awareness, progress, and the development of a brain, aswell as consciousness within biological life appears to have been motivated by pleasure, joy, and happiness because these are the qualities, ideals, and states that motivate biological life the most in general, so these must of been the qualities, and ideals that motivated organisms and biological life to develop self awareness, the structure of the brain, as well as consciousness, and this occured because qualities, and ideals exist as potentiality, and actuality within reality. To imply motivations in the sense of qualities, and ideals to be followed, or pursued is at the same time to suggest something that can follow these qualities, and ideals and can be motivated by them in the sense of a force (i.e., the will in nature,) or an urge that is continuous, which also accounts for proliferation.
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