Friday, 24 August 2007


The society that humans are brought up in, and the language that they are taught, and also the cultural baggage which has been impressed upon them by society conditions the way they think and feel about reality in general and how they view things. For any individual with a semblance of true character it becomes imperative for them to shed this conditioning that has been impressed upon them if they are ever to have a direct relationship with the truth. All great thinkers are creative discoverers, they start from the inside in their very "being" and then they work outwardly as a means to understanding the world, firstly they begin by purging themselves of all societal conditioning within their being, and then they proceed to learn to think and feel in a way that is truthful for them personally, and they develop a way of thinking that is without the yoke of society strangling them and suffocating their relationship with the truth. The ability to think for oneself without societal conditioning is called "pure thought", and is called this because it is a way of thinking that has been purged of all the illusions and baggage which has been impressed upon it by society. Once the process of experiencing the truth is attained in a consistent manner by the use of pure thought one begins to start feeling empowered by the realizations one encounters in their understanding of reality, and therefore it becomes necessary to translate this truth into the language that is used by society. In pure thought all prejudices and biased ways of thinking are rejected, and there are no one-sided ways of thinking in it to interfere with its processes, it is a direct and all embracing way of thinking that is "whole" and genuine. Labels and gimmicks are part of the societal and cultural baggage which I mentioned earlier in this essay, and this baggage it must be said limits the sense of freedom that is inherent within "being". Labels are always one dimensional, and being is multi-dimensional, especially one that is in touch with the truth. Reality is a continuum, and everything in the universe is relative to something else, this is why gimmicks and stereotypes fail to capture the truth about things, and it also becomes necessary that the truth should be described as a process of connecting relations, rather than as isolated concepts, or gimmicks. Any thinker who is original, and unpredictable, and writes and says things that you have not heard, or thought about before, is a pure thinker and is of great value to humanity. Presumptuous cynics always claim they have thought of everything before that great thinkers have written or said, but it is too easy and lazy to claim something after the fact, rather than figuring out things for oneself, or at least attempting to, this way of thinking is like assuming that you know everything, when in fact there is more that is not known about the universe than is in fact known about it, therefore it makes more sense to have an enthusiasm for figuring things out, rather than just claiming you could have figured that out without bothering to make the effort required due to apathy and so forth. what counts in life is that one has enterprise and initiative, rather than just knocking people who care more deeply about the cosmos and its processes and truths, and who try to figure it out. Most philosophers and thinkers tend to be a bit tyrannical and arrogant, and are always trying to push their opinions across without spending enough time thinking about things on their own, they also don't spend enough time listening to other thinkers and their ideas, this can be a great fault, but it has its uses also. Philosophers and thinkers in general must use every experience they have as a means to understanding reality, they should especially learn from the battles they have with other philosophers and people in general. Ultimate answers or truths can only be partly explained and described, they cannot be explained fully or understood beyond the obvious aspects they consist of. Humans need to overcome "mental mechanicalness" which is a tendency to use our minds in the same way ( and the same attitudes) over and over again, we should be able to change our thoughts and attitudes towards things. It is a well known fact that anyone who develops their mind, and their brains cognitive abilities produces more neurons as well, and this process continues until death. It has also been proven that a developing brain partly grows in size because of the brains similarity to a muscle, the skull also becomes adapted to this brain size increase. I must point out that developing one's brain or mind requires that one avoid drugs, and alcohol, which as you know kills many brain cells. In pure thought one must be careful that one's thoughts and theories are not "made up" and that they describe things and processes in reality as they really are in the sense of being a description of what is apparent, or likely to be apparent in reality. What appears to be one of the things that makes one persons character different to another persons character is the way they use their brains, whether this is insinctual due to the will is a fascinating thing to think about, the difference between a person who is very intelligent and a person who's thinking is mediocre is the way they choose to use their brain. All human beings should learn to think for them'selves first, and then afterwards if they want to permit certain types of knowledge to shape and influence their minds that should be up to them and should be their own choice, it is strange how society tries to manipulate people by forcing them to send their children to school, and also by forcing talented children who have a career in showbusiness to get home schooled. Any kind of thinking which requires pure reasoning must reject all biased and prejudiced attitudes from its cognitions and thinking patterns, because if these prejudiced ways of thinking are not banished once and for all in the commencement of our understanding of things then these unnecessary attitudes will begin to slowly grow and then end up ruining the straightforward quality of our conclusions and reasonings. To be 100% truthful in every way about one's thoughts and feelings about reality is the only way to be authentic and honest about things, and it enables us to understand reality more fully. We must be just as negative as we are positive about how we experience reality, reality does not deserve us being positive a lot of the time, or even negative a lot of the time, or any other kind of one-sided way of thinking, because to experience reality truthfuly requires an honesty that goes beyond the human tendency to act or label things or behaviour, reality is something that simply exists and we are merely a by-product of its processes, and reality does not deserve anything from us, we only owe ourselves the truth and a complete understanding of it. It is impossible to understand reality fully unless we can be extremely negative at times, and also be highly positive at other times, and also humorous at other times and so forth, and also everything in between, because what counts in the eventual outcome is that we can harmonize extremes or insights in our understanding of reality, how can we understand reality fully if we are one-sided or not willing to be extreme in our desire to understand things, and likewise how can we understand reality unless we stop acting and learn to be completeley truthful and able to handle humiliation. And also a lack of desire to always want to be right helps one understand reality also, because people who always want to be right only see what they want to see, and they do not see the truth of reality, because this is how perception works. Truth and falsity only seem to exist when we make a clear distinction between things, but when we harmonize them and view them as a process this distinction disappears. When you become a pure knowing subject of "truth" then all falsity disappears, and your consciousness deals only in what is concretely real and connected.

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