Friday, 17 August 2007


To begin with I would like to point out the importance of the concepts of "totality" and "wholeness" and how necessary it is to harmonize minor and so-called seemingly opposite truths into a greater and more fully worked out truth. A common mistake and error that is made by philosophers and thinkers in general, is that when they find something they disagree with in the theories of someone else, they have the tendency to oppose it in a literal and one sided manner, the reason this occurs is because of the one track minded and linear aspect of the intentionality of consciousness in general. If the truth of a matter is to be understood, then what we need is an all-embracing way of thinking, the limits of our understanding of the truth are not the limits of the truth itself, they are simply the limits of our minds, usually in perception our minds select what we want to perceive about reality, and we do not always realize what is actually there, we as humans must overcome this and try to force ourselves to perceive more fully and openly what is actually there in reality, this fuller perception I am referring to is what I call multi-perception.
It can be said that the "truth" is found in the "Whole", and not in one sided ways of thinking, all the truths that we know of must be harmonized into a whole if any greater truth is to be understood.
Things define themselves by comparison, the identity of truths, or concepts, are relational, the identity of a truth or concept is determined by its relations to other truths and concepts as identities, the identities of truths and concepts when compared and harmonized wield a truth of a fuller and greater kind.
The mental act of opposing a theory by saying something different to it, only gives you a one sided view of the activities of the reality of the whole of this truth of which it is a part of in general.

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