Thursday, 16 August 2007


"opposites" are said to either compliment, or accommodate, but in reality opposites do not exist in a literal sense. Opposites are merely the "same thing" but in a different state of "activity" and form. This different activity or form that energy or whatever opposite to something else takes on is a way of creating tension or movement, it is a natural and dynamic aspect of the laws of nature. Opposition in humans comes from the fact that nature designs people differently in will and desire, the desire that humans have to contradict each other comes from this difference and an excessive use of emotion also. The unconscious mind is not the opposite of the conscious mind but the same thing, it seems opposite because we are not conscious of it, and it is continually at work in everything that we do. All contradictions, paradoxes, ambiguities, and opposites seem this way because we are not conscious of the fact that they are activities of the same thing which are behaving or operating in a slightly different way, this activity is more noticeable at the quantum level, and not so noticeable in larger structures or forms. The conscious mind is usually very intentional and focused, its usual approach is linear in most cases and therefore perceives things as opposite. We as humans perceive things as opposites because it is part of our very being and existence itself, for instance, the very structure of our body and being operates in this dualistic sense, we have the two halves of the brain, we have the left half of the body, and the right half of the body, and so it's hard to escape this method of thinking in opposites.

1 comment:

StevenErnest said...

Hi, StevenErnest from YouTube here... As you know from my vid, I'm a big fan of Opposites! ;)

Wow, you have a lot of cool blogs to read here!
